[Week 118] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)
Countdown terminated on Sep 12, 2022, 7:30 AM

Being human always points, and is directed, to something or someone, other than oneself - be it a meaning to fulfill or another human being to encounter.

- Viktor E. Frankl -

Fri weekend.png

If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options, and if you feel like doing a post use my community, WEEKEND EXPERIENCES. Please ensure you follow the guidelines below.

The concept guidelines to follow

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  • The first tag must be #weekend-engagement
  • Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
  • Follow community rules - ENGLISH only (not bilingual)
  • Closes 07:30 UTC Monday 12th September (google UTC)

Select something from below to write about

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Weekend DIY

Showcase one of your own household DIY projects with no more than four of your own photos and at least 250 words of explanation text.

What Sunday looks like

Create an artwork of what Sunday looks like to you and post a single photo of it. Write a minimum of 250 words to explain your drawing.

Weekend history lesson

Find a historical monument in your area, take a photo of it and write a minimum of 250 words about it, the history and meaning behind it. The photo you use must be your own photo.

Shared weekend

You get to spend the weekend with one of the people/characters listed below. Who do you choose and why, and what does your weekend look like - what discussions do you have? (Beware of using images that don't belong to you or are not free-to-use stock images which must be credited with a link)

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Lara Croft (from Tomb Raider)
  • Neo (from the Matrix)
  • A homeless military veteran
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Viktor E. Frankl
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Your 90 year old self

Be creative - Show effort - Be interesting

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Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the entire community and to find and build new relationships.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any image(s) in this post are my own and are not for your use

Countdown terminated on Sep 12, 2022, 7:30 AM

You know? You make it really hard for me to color inside the lines. It's your fault, actually.

That list of people to consider would be good for at least 1000 words before I locked in on my 90 year old self. You know that is only 18 years away for me, right? This sort of thinking is exactly what tossed me into a funk for an entire year. I'd just end up telling me "Don't stop. Don't even slow fucking down."

I'd love to 'do' the monument to Haj Ali. He was the official US Army Camel Herder recruited from Arabia (that's what it was called, then) to try to use Camels for freight and supplies in this part of the world. It worked! But the Dodge Brothers submitted a bid to the Army in 1910 and it became apparent really fast that they were on to something with cars and trucks. So the Army canceled the camel project. That's all, no follow up, just stopped paying Haj Ali and ended the food shipments. So he turned them loose and they thrived. They migrated off to the north east and arrived at the Navajo reservation about the time the depression got really bad. The Navajo discovered that camel made fine eating and soon there were no more. It's said an entire generation of Navajo children grew to adulthood eating Camel Soup.

The locals couldn't pronounce Haj Ali's name so they renamed him Hi Jolly. He lived up into the 50s. As Hi Jolly.

You see what I did here? I did some of my scofflaw type writing in the comments! No rule breaking for me.

That's a good story and one I wasn't aware of, except for the Dodge aspect.

The first explorers here realise quickly that horses sucked for the inland areas, arid and deserts mainly, and brough. Mel's and their cameleers from Afghanistan for the job. That worked. Only, they turned them loose, they bred up, and now we have over a million camels in the interior of the country. (there's no one there to eat them).

They are a bit of a problem and are culled now and then, but generally they live a good life.

One can have camel steak here, in the NT (Northern Territory) and I have personally. It's actually not too bad at all.

Anyway, thanks for the good story. Interesting really. I feel a bit sorry for old Ali though, getting dumped like that.

There's actually a little more to the story. In 1910 there was a big problem with Mexican bandits (actually patriots, depending on which side of the border you call home). Pancho Villa and his people so the US sent an expeditionary force to quell the rebellion or incursion or whatever.

Black Jack Pershing was in command and two of his lieutenants led like 10 guys in two Dodge touring cars (they didn't have any trucks yet) to steal hay for the horses and mules. George Patton in command and Douglas McArthur his shave tail lieutenant. Patton certainly took to the mechanized force...

That's a cool element to the story and some rather notable names there.

Very interesting story about Hi Jolly lol...I really hope my 80-year-old self is a little like you. You seem cool. I know life is deeper than what meets the eye, but I like that you are still pushing as time goes on.

A lot of people want to live in the Bahamas chilling and doing nothing in retirement...I want to be hustling hard for another generation to see if they can benefit from it.

Interesting as usual... 😍😍😍 You always deliver, sir... Always. I'm not worried about those you have disappointed 🤣😂... I have seen you deliver consistently.

I don't worry about those I've disappointed either, that's their weight to carry.

🤣🤣😂😂 that's indeed their weight to carry... Well done sir.

Another set of topics to choose from, finally!

I think I would try to challenge myself a bit this time. I may stick with What Sunday looks like. Been years I took a pencil and drew something nice. I might as well channel my inner Leonardo Da Vinci this weekend.😁

That sounds like a good choice.

My husband and I really love to do DIY stuffs so I guess I will make an entry for weekend DIY 😊

It seems like a feasible option for you.

Wow! This is a new weekend-engagement concept that shouldn't be missed this week. Honestly, they are so good. You'll expect more creative and well-written blogs from the community.

Have a nice weekend sir @galenkp.

I hope you have a great weekend also.

Yeah....another weekend is here with nice and interesting topics to write. Thank you so much for the wonderful topic selections.

Let me get to work on my entry 😊

You're welcome, have a good weekend.

Thank you Sir

These here are interesting topics, I like how they aim at spurring our creativity.
I'll certainly be looking forward to making my entry soon.

Have a great weekend Sir! 😊

I'll look out for your entry, have a great weekend.

The nice topic we've got here. In Nigeria, and in Lagos where I reside, there are historical monuments located in places. This weekend sounds great already to make the world see the history of our dear people.

One monument, one photo and some words...Shouldn't be too hard.

That last topic killed me. I might give it some thought whole preparing my DIY because yesterday I finished 2 instruments. Talk about perfect timing.

Sometimes things just work out well.

And sometimes they bite you on the rear. 😂

Indeed, that's always a risk.

Can I also get some video content on my diy post? I'd like to show how I get the strings on the instrument.

You can. I rarely look at videos, but you're able to do so. Just add a couple of images as well.

Yeah, that will be there. It's going to be a time-lapse video. So it might be like a minute long.

More challenging this time.. I want to spend my weekend with Leonardo, de Caprio not da Vinci 🤣... But the art and DIY ones are more interesting...
Nice concepts again . brilliant mind.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I almost added the other Leonardo you mention to this list, but I thought that would make it too easy for the ladies.

🤣🤣.. You really know it.
Btw, may I ask,
About the DIY, can't it be personal? Not really household?
And the art thing, can it be digital art?

Digital art is ok, the DIY I'd rather to be about a house, aim not looking for knitting and stuff like that. If you can't find anything else though it'll be acceptable. Your posts are always good so I'm sure you'll keep up your standards.

🙈.. I hope I could think of a good one this time..lol..

Interesting ones as always. Both for introverts and Extroverts also for skilled people.

That's kind of something impressive!

Wish you and everyone a Happy weekend ahead.

I hope you have a great weekend also.

I know that first one is for me! Did you get inspired my little home reno scrambling I’ve been posting about lately? 😝

Well, I had to come up with a way to draw you in...seems it worked, so far at least. Time will tell if my cunning plan works out.

Interesting... look forward to reading responses.

We'll see what happens huh? I hope there's something interesting.

Fighting time, rolling blackouts... but hey, gotcha! Some History sorry not monumental but huge enough to me!

Train Journeys

I like trains and train journeys.

I think I will go with the first, i have one old picture frame I designed for my sister sometime back, till today it's still one of my best hand made project.


Happy weekend, friend, these topics are interesting, here there will be a lot of creativity, the art of drawing, of a good photograph, what good topics, thank you thank you for this, I send you a big hug and many blessings, have a good time, greetings.😍

Hi there, I'm glad you like the topics. I hope you have a good weekend too.

Monuments catch my attention. let's see what perspective I bring you from my weekend strolls through the historic streets of my city. The street where the Bolivarian museum and the house where Simon Bolivar was born I think it will be a good idea.

We'll see what you find huh?

Yep, I already saw, read and voted on it.

Although I am Venezuelan I have never visited the house of the Liberator, a whole history of battles and heroes, it is incredible. History and culture that characterizes us.

Yes, you will see the street 😃

Thank you for suggesting some food for thought. A pleasant and happy weekend.

Have a good weekend yourself. ✅

I like the DIY idea, I really enjoy doing that in my free time.

Thank you so much for the weekend concept!

You're welcome, and have a good weekend.

Look at this that may interest you @isauris , What will the me of @gerneth96 be like when I am 90 years old?

Interesting your proposal, the future, what lies ahead and what you expect.

Thank You for finding it interesting

Be creative

you might regret saying that :D

I regret saying a lot of things. Oh hang on, I mean, I regret not saying a lot of things. Oh hang on, fuck it, I say what I want.

Happy weekend to all.

Some very diverse and fun themes to participate in, I'm already thinking about my selection.

Now I have a fun question for you @galenkp from all the time we have been interacting here, something must know me. What do you think my selection will be and why?

I'm just curious, I hope you want to answer, if you don't it's ok. 😆

Now I have a fun question for you @galenkp from all the time we have been interacting here, something must know me. What do you think my selection will be and why?

I think you're going to choose a weekend with Lara Croft because you look as good in those short shorts as she does.

😅🤭🤣😁, you made me laugh a lot.

You know me well, I was going to pick Lara Croft because of her adventures and because I get into the character when I watch her movies or games, not for the reasons you gave. 😜

Now I'll have to think of something else, to surprise you 😆 wow your answer surprised me.

I promise I haven't been spying on you in your tight Lara Croft shorts...or have I?

Nah, I haven't...but have I?


I promise, I didn't do it...Or did I?

Ok, I'll stop now...or will I?

Ok, I'll stop.

New !! You are real, welcome to the community. You just have to follow the steps provided by our friend G-Dog, the administrator and creator of these weekend challenges.

Of course I will follow.

I like the Bugs and Daffy one, it's time for a laugh!

(Beware of using images that don't belong to you or are not free-to-use stock images which must be credited with a link)

Does that mean my credit to Canva and their gallery no longer meets community requirements 😢😲?

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

I threw that one in for fun and to see if a home felt like coming up with something funny.

I like this week's topics Galen, they're great. I'm hoping to join in 🙂

Just for the hell of it, can you imagine a weekend with Hitler and Bugs Bunny? My word, that would possibly end poorly.

That weekend would probably turn out better than Hitler and Viktor E. Frankl though right?

Most definitely. I shudder to think what your combination would be like.

An exquisite selection for a weekend experience..I'ld hope to have a conversation with my 90 yar old self.

I hope you like it.Hello @galenkp here leaving a cordial greeting and leaving the link to my participation this week. https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@felixmarranz/a-weekend-shared-with-my

@galenkp Thank you for this contest, being my first time posting in this community i find it quite exciting. Here is my own entry , i hope all of you enjoys it.


Greetings, everyone
Great options for this WE.
I could not resist the chance to tell the story of this place I pass by every day. It gives me the chills every single time just to imagine the horror 208 years ago.

Great content Hendry, thanks for taking the time.

Thank you, mate, for the chance and encouragement. Most references to this episode of our history come from a novel by author Francisco Herrera Luque. Luque's novel Boves, the Urogallo (cock), which describes the incident in gruesome fictionalized details, became so popular that most people of my generation thought that was just fiction. No history text book mentions it. They only romantized the war of independence as a feat carried out by impeccably looking heroes.
The events have been narrated by many historians of the time and after, as well as by some chronicles, even though most accounts disagree on details, but somehow this has been kept away from school discussions or analysis.
War continues to be pictured as an exciting, heroic, and usually necessary thing to consolidate nationhood, principles, and character.

Viktor E. Frankl's book Meaning of life changed my life. To go through the holocaust the way he did...to come out without a wife with only the thought of having one at the other side...It brought tears to my eyes so many times.

I would have loved to spend time with Viktor E. Frankl... but 90-year-old me with how relatable everything would be the one for me.

Because I am an illustrator and I love what I do...I am making a quick Sunday artwork

No one has done the art work option yet, I'm hoping to see one.

Lol...I probably should have put in more effort to this 😶😶.

Maybe, I guess the most important thing with art is that the creator needs to be happy with it and it doesn't really matter what others think. If you're happy with it then no worries.

Hello @galenkp, very inspiring topics as always. I think this time I will choose a history lesson and I have 2 monuments in mind so I am thinking about which one to choose. 😊 One is in my city and I can photograph it today and the other is in another city and I photographed it during a visit some time ago. Can we use an old photo?

Hi there, feel free to use an older photo. The key to it is to ensure the photo is your own.

Thanks. In the meantime, I decided to take a photo of the monument in my city because it will be a reason to take a walk today. 😊

A walk is a good thing, indeed. I took a long one yesterday and side some photos of my own and then a shorter one today despite it being a little cool. It was still good though.

Interesting topics of the weekend. My favorite topics 3 and 4. I would have liked to have a weekend with Laura, but I was already busy, so I went for a walk around town and it was a good day.

This weekend sounds like art and poet stuff to me.... I don't know why?
I already want to read everyone's participation...
I'm writing about a weekend's company.

If you were to write about any of these topics, which one would you choose? ????

I rarely write about the weekend-engagement topics myself, not direct anyway, but I think I'd choose the DIY topic as I always have a project happening at home.

mmmm I think it's very good... At home there is always a project to do?

If there's no projects, I make them up. I like to keep active and working with my hands brings enjoyment.

I have days thinking about making an art, vinyl, decoration for the wall of my room.... I do not know whether to do it in wood or painted....
But certainly you have to find something to do, it keeps the brain and body active.

I make things from wood, fix things around the house and in the yard and generally keep things maintained. There's a certain satisfaction from doing it personally. I think doing art has the same effect..

When you do it yourself there are different touches of personality and creativity... the carpenter, no matter how much you explain to him, will NEVER do it the same way... Greetings!

Hi, here is my posting topic. thank you for giving this opportunity. greetings🙏😊

Hey yah @galenkp I just posted my first time content in this #weekendexperience community! I wrote about in general article on how i spent my weekend incorpating it to one of my new hobby (Making Mocktails-DIY) . I hope this will pass the vibe check. Ahah 😅😅

Correct me if I am wrong if there are things to improve further. ;))

Interesting how people connect here as I read the comment sections.

Cheers to good life!

Hi there,

  • The community is for weekend-related content and experiences, so Saturday and Sunday. Please take a read of the posting guide pinned to the top of the community and the community rules also. For these general posts the tags should relate to the post content.

  • The #weekend-engagement concept is a weekly posting topic prompt, topics released Friday's, and people need to respond directly to the one or more of the topics suggested in the announcement post - That's this one here that you've responded to. For this concept the #weekend-engagement tag as the first tag. I do a post on Monday with a list of my favourites from the weekend.

I look forward to seeing some of your content in the community. Please ask me if you have further questions.

Excellent entry, I saw it pop up and took a read; worth the effort.

Thanks so much 🙌 How fun would it be to really go there!



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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Regret doesn't make very good company and this question is designed to make people think about their lives now, what they Ould be doing differently to mitigate the risk and impact of possible regret. I think if we were able to speak to our 90 year old self we would learn many things, some of which you've mentioned.

But yeah, you'll probably be dead, and I certainly will be by then. I've got maybe 20 years ahead of me, probably little more. That's why I live well now.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Life is fickle and we don't know when it'll expire, you or I could be dead in 24 hours, you know?

I don't care about Jesus forgiving me, it's me that needs to forgive my mistakes and failings and then move forward with the intention to continually improve on life. To do otherwise is wasteful I think.

I have a post about this very thing ready for tomorrow based on a conversation I had a few days ago.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Best to make it count whilst we have it.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment