I lost time today, an hour to be exact although I don't mind too much; it means summer is on the way and with longer days that happen naturally and daylight saving time initiated it'll be light through to around 21:00 each evening soon and that'll allow me to get more done outside. Losing the time, putting the clocks forward by an hour, means an hour of lost sleep although I'll make that up at the other end when daylight saving time ends in around six months.
Losing time isn't something I like doing and whilst I understand that I cannot stop it, I also understand that making the most of the time I have is preferable to wasting any; life is short I guess, although to younger people it may not seem that way. So, I work around the premise that my time is important enough to wring the most out of it. This doesn't mean I'm on the go all the time as I believe that even should it seem I'm wasting time, if wasting that time is enjoyable then it's not a waste of time; Bertrand Russell said something similar back a long while ago.
So, I'm looking forward to the coming months and the really cool thing about losing that hour today was that I gained a whole day also. It's a long weekend here so I have Monday off and that makes me happy; a huge gain like that offsets the small loss.
Spending time
I woke pretty early today, chowed down on a simple breakfast of Vegemite on toast and coffee and then headed into the city to buy some runners.
I've been putting off the chore as I don't really like shopping or going into the city but as my last pair of runners are a little raggedy so I decided I should get it done. I'm not into the brightly coloured ones and am a little partial to the Asics brand. I found a pair that worked well with my orthotic insoles and in about ten minutes from entering the store I was done. They were on sale at $79AUD down from $120AUD so I ended up buying two pairs which means I'll not have to go back for a while.

It was a legit weather day today, around 23°C and sunny, so I parked a couple kilometres from the city centre and walked in. Again, there's that making use of time thing in action.
I figured if I had to be there I might as well take a walk also. I did a loop of the river from the zoo to the weir at the other side of the city before I walked up into the shopping district to get my runners so I didn't have to lug them about afterwards. It was a nice walk; there were loads of people taking advantage of the weather and it felt like spring for the first time this year. We've had a miserable first month of spring with loads of rain. Today though, it was legit.

Sunday BBQ
On the way home I headed to the supermarket for supplies as I decided to have a Koran-style BBQ tonight. If you're not aware, a Korean BBQ is one where the BBQ is placed in the middle of the table and the meat is grilled by each person individually. It's really cool and very social because no one has to slave away in the kitchen; there's some cutting up of course, but from there everyone does their own thing sitting right at the table.
I bought chicken, salmon, tiger prawns and salt and pepper calamari (squid) as the meats, and an assortment of vegetables also. All will be cut thinly and placed on a large platter, and then people just cook what they want as they want it. I have white rice to serve with it and the right dipping sauce which my Japanese sister in-law hooked me up with. (I can't read the labels.) This will be the first BBQ I'll have under my new pergola and I'm really looking forward to it.
Afterward there's a Formula One Grand Prix which I'll be watching live from Singapore. I'd usually be there in person but due to extenuating circumstances wasn't able to this year.
The free time day
Monday is a public holiday here as I said above and I'm planning a drive and picnic. I grabbed the stuff at the supermarket today, mainly cold cuts, cheeses, olives, dips and crusty bread with a few other little things here and there. The plan is to head up to the Adelaide Hills and see where the road leads. This time of year the Mount Lofty Botanical Gardens usually look pretty good so I might end up there, wander about, eat lunch and take a snooze under a tree.
I'm planning to do stage two of a Lego Technic build I started a few weeks ago as well, but I'll see how that goes as I might not be in the mood after an active day of wandering, picnicking and snoozing under trees.
Time: Lost and found
Most of my life is behind me and sometimes I look back and consider how I've spent it. The great thing is that I've had this chase life ethos for a long time so looking back rarely holds any regrets. Sure, I did things I regret now, but I was just acting as I saw fit at the time and based on my understanding at that moment, but generally I'd say I've used my time well.
That understanding helps me find value in the moments I live every day, the present time. It also helps me work on the future and that helps mitigate any sadness around the fact that one day I'll simply die and that'll be the end of time for me.
So, I don't look at the past as time lost and it isn't something I lament because it's simply been my life. Conversely, I make the most of time, the present, and that means day by day and hour by hour because...well, because it's my life and I only have one.
That's my weekend in a nutshell although I've not listed everything I did or will do; some things don't need to hit the blockchain. It's been good so far though and there's more to come. I hope you've found something enjoyable to do and have had some time to yourself to chase life a little and get the most out of it. Feel free to tell me about it in the comments below if you'd like.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
All images in this post were taken by me, today.
Definitely one of my biggest sore spots. I'm a creature of habit, and absolutely hate the time changes. In my view it is most stupid thing we do as a world-wide idiocy. It causes missed meetings, endless confusion for people working in multiple countries, or even across a single country like here in the U.S where we have three different timezones, but then certain states that don't follow "the change". All of this effort with time zone apps, having to program changes (which fall on different dates each year). While it may have been a good idea before electricity, and before international commerce, it should have gone away 50 years ago. Are people really that stupid that we can't all just standardize on UTC across the globe, and then learn to go to work at 4 instead of 8, etc. etc.? Or just publish our business hours as "The" time that we open and close, which are then valid across the world without conversions? We had legislation drafted to get rid of it this year, but as usual our politicians can't even get that accomplished, even when there is agreement by virtually everyone.
I'm not a big fan of DST either Kris, I don't see the point considering the data get longer (more daylight) naturally.
We have three timezones here also and the same issues arise. It's even worst considering the eastern seaboard don't all have DST (The State of Queensland do not have it). So, some state change others don't and it's all a fucken mess.
Also, and this pisses me off, it gets longer and longer each year, 2 OCT 22 to 2 April 23. WTF.
Anyway, it is what it is and we have to deal with it as I don't think it's going away.
I buy two pairs of runners at a time because I like to rotate after each use. For me, I seem to get longer use out of them. It allows the foam to decompress between wearing them.
I am having a hectic weekend, I have had relatives from the hurricane region at my house, so we have a few extra people here. Although most of them wouldn't have even been affected by anything more than lots of rain and wind, a couple had real damage, so I am glad they came. Some are leaving and going back home, a couple is figuring out what needs to be done.
As for me, it is about time to get back to normal. It has been a crazy house for weeks now. :)
Have a great BBQ!! Sounds fun!
Daylight Savings Time? I see no use for it other than to screw up people's lives and babies' sleep schedules. Long gone is its usefulness.
Two pairs is good for multiple reasons: Your reason and my don't have to go back to the city too soon reason.
I didn't know there was bad weather over there, I don't watch the news. Hopefully all is well when they get back and there's no damage at all. I've been through a cyclone and it's not enjoyable.
I hope you had a great weekend though, and your week starts off well.
I don't watch the news here. It was a category 4/5 hurricane and cause plenty of death and destruction, even coming all the way up North where I am. Anyway, it is over and many went home today and some tomorrow. I have had over a week of a houseful.
This week I will be reclaiming the house! :)
Thanks, Galen.
A Cat 4-5 will get your attention for sure. We get them across the tropical north of Australia but down here we don't. We have strong wind from time to time though and that's enough. I'm not a fan of the wind to be honest.
I went through a Cat 3 in Cairns, Queensland and it was pretty full on with the storm surge, flooding and all. Not enjoyable.
I have been through probably 8 hurricanes, all 3 and above and none were pretty. Tornadoes in the southwest, four earthquakes two in California, one in Germany and one here. Cyclones scare the you know whatbout of me.
Well then, let's see if you can survive the G-dog coming over for Devonshire tea then; your survival instincts are honed, so I think it'll work out ok! 🙂
This has been one of the most positive things about letting my car go (although it's a real hassle and pretty exhausting at times). Life slowed down. Getting to places on foot means seeing the landscape better, being "in the moment" more fully and meeting interesting people along the way (waiting for transport at times).
I wish the world would just slow down again...
Sounds like a busy but soul fulfilling weekend 😊
I like the slow down idea also, but I'll admit I want the whole thing to slow down...meaning, the power goes out forever. I'd love that because, after all, I'm a bit of a caveman. 😁
I try to slow things as much as possible though, and manage it mostly.
My Korean BBQ went really well and I'm on the couch watt the F1 pre-show live from Singapore and yep, I have snacks. Not a bad night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow also. All up it'll work out to be a really nice weekend I think.
Tell me where I can sign up 👍
This pace is a killer.
Sounds well organized and fun! Enjoy the break :)
You really save a lot from buying two shoes on sale sir @galenkp and thats great because you spot a sale and bought it in a short time.
Time spent becomes a part of our history and it helps who we are today. Have a great long weekend to you.
Yep, I was pretty happy that the money I spent today will work a little harder for me considering the sale. I hope you have a great weekend also.
It's a beautiful piece of writing that oscillates between the past and the future. The important thing is not to regret looking back. Regrets are the biggest enemy of now.
Regret makes a poor comp[anion so it's best to live life in such away hat there's less chance of regrets forming. Thanks for your comment.
In every move we make, there are changes from the past, to present, and to the future, but as I was reading your side, I am glad to know that you are making most of your time. As they say life is too short but just like what you have emphasized that let us seize every moment because time changes.
Despite what had happened from the past, what matters most is the present and how we are moving forward for the future while living life to the fullest.
I am always amazed by your brilliant thoughts as always. I am glad to bump with a wise man today. Have a great day @galenkp. Have a great time and take care.
Seizing the moment is the best way to be I think, it leaves less opportunity for one to feel regret later in life.
Thanks for your comment, it's always good to hear from you.
You are most welcome my wise friend, galen. Let's make the most of our life every single day. I am wishing you peace of mind, good health, and success.
Time is indeed of great essence and I must admit that somehow, the way you value time inspired me to do as well and make every single time to be spent more on crucial things. I'm still young and yes, I sometimes spend several minutes to an hour or more during the day just playing some games in my phone and scrolling across social medias. I can't take back those times but I can still improve my performance.
I've never been one to use much time to play games on computers and have never done it on my phone. I guess I've always found other things to do in the real world to occupy myself. We're all different though, and if that make you happy then there's nothing wrong with it.
I can somehow relate to getting lost in time, and I tend to miss more important things in the present because of looking back at the past. But as you imply, we should make most of the time because we only have one life.
Enjoy your holiday tomorrow..and drive safely..
Understanding the past is important to the present and future, living in it, is somewhat inhibiting. Just my opinion.
Thank you for sharing this one. This is a great reminder that time will always be a precious gift on earth. We only live once so we must make sure that we are living our life to the fullest. We must spend time on the things that we want rather than having regrets in the end if we do not let ourselves enjoy every moment, and I am also taking my past not as a waste but rather as a lesson that makes me who I am today.
It seems you're on the right track to a great life judging by what you say here. Nice work.
I think that leaving behind the feeling of guilt is very important to be well here in the present time , that way tomorrow you ensure a good start of the week , a great awakening for after a good shower to enter the work without haste with all the calm in the mind that is possible that soothes the soul.
I always say that a good or bad day has only 24 hours, then we will see without so much anxiety for tomorrow Mr. @galenkp
Guilt and regret are two different things, but sure, people feel guilty also and carrying that forward forever isn't always the way to go. It's difficult to consider how one may feel in the future though, and so people live life in the present and don't think much about future regrets. Maybe that's best as one needs to get the most from the present. I don't know, I'm no expert in the matter.
You are right, everything that is done when we focus on the solution in the here and now without excess of future, in the daily and constant work of being resilient and resistant to difficult situations is the formula to improve and avoid it.
On the table today at the end of this 10 hour turnaround...
Sloppy Joes..!
I wonder how that would go over here @ The Pookyville CAT Ranch..?
That what I think it is, a Mohawk on his chin?
That would be a fancy shmansy goatee...
But not a 3 peckered one.
Not thaa-a-aa-at. Goat like Tom Brady or Eminem.
Mmmmy Mmmman...
Mmmmy Mmmman Mmmmister Mmmmarshall MmmmBruce Mmmmathers III
AkA: Eminemineminemineminem...
I will explain my choice later in a...
Reply/Comment Gone Wild...
x-rated/uncensored version. Boobies and Full Frontal nudity
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There was so much rain over the weekend in Singapore this time round. Hopefully the spectators were entertained (despite getting drenched). I tried to avoid going to town the past few days because everywhere was so crowded.
Yeah, bucketed down, but it was a good race.