The $1000 weekend: A posting contest

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

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Screw it, Let’s do it!

- Richard Branson -

11:30 UTC Thursday 24th Feb - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED

I realised it's been a while since I've run a posting contest so today is the day. This one is about your weekend...but with a difference. If you're interested at taking away some of the 30 Hive I'm giving away then read on and find out what you have to do...but first, see below for the rules.

The contest rules

✅ Post in THE WEEKEND community (Not cross posted)
✅ Tag #1000weekend as the first tag in your post
✅ Your post must be between 250 and 350 words
✅ Write in English - Use a translator if you need to
✅ Contest ends 11:30 UTC Thursday 24th Feb

Post about the following scenario

You have $1,000 to spend on anything you like over one weekend. It's for entertainment purposes though, so you can't give it away, invest it or save it - The money must be spent on your weekend activities. Explain what you do, where you go and who you take with you (if anyone). Talk about the activities, the aftermath, or whatever!

This is about you being creative and having some fun with your post although you can take it seriously too...Your post, your choice. Just get involved if you're inclined...and follow the contest rules for eligibility.

The prizes

$1,000 USD

✅ 15 hive - First place

✅ 10 hive - Second place

✅ 5 hive - Third place

Some of you may have noticed I have cleared all the community memberships in the last few days...I want to award memberships for great posts and continued activity, not just for no reason so decided to start from scratch. I may grant a few of the entries of this contest membership status in THE WEEKEND community, but that depends on a few things.

I'll be selecting the three winners and announcing them immediately after the expiry of the contest period as above. I will do a winners post and tag the winners plus link to their posts so that other's can take a read if they so choose.

That's it folks; you have a few days to get your posts in should you wish to get involved and if you don't want to have go maybe you know someone who might and you can share this post with them.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is mine


Hello hello! cool :) The last few days have been a bit hectic at home and I didn't make it to the weekend engagement. Let's see what I come up with this.

I definitely would love to have my membership back.;)

Happy week to you!

People get busy...

And on the membership thing...It'll com back, I just want to make sure it's those who support the community that gain it.

Hmmmm... I thought there was a 1000 dollar bounty

One never knows what could happen, but let's roll with the 30 Hive in prizes for now huh?

I should participate

At the first glance, I felt so too and almost fainted :)

Oh man this one is tooooo easy, brother! At these crazy prices 2 boxes of 9mm and 1 hour at the range!!!! lololol jk I think the biggest trick here is fitting it into 350 words you sly devil!

Haha, well there needs to be an element of difficulty right? Let's see how concisely, and interestingly, people can write huh?

Wow, this looks good.

Thanks, we'll see what entries come in...How good the concept is, is up to the community.

I'd participate but I'm pretty sure after blowing the first grand on booze, partying in general and funny looking mushrooms I'd forget to stop the weekend clock and end up a few weeks down the line with no recollection of what the fuck I did or where I happen to be at.

Wouldn't make a great post...

Great idea though, hope everyone participating has more common sense than me.

Nice one as always.👍

No worries I hope you find $1000 laying around so you can deploy your plan.

I very much keep myself from deploying that plan 😁 Fatherly and husbandly responsibility keep me safe from my general lack of common sense.

It's amazing what that does to curb my stupidity these days.

Just had to stick my oar in cause I liked the idea, plus I'm waiting for the Melitta to finish dripping so I can have a coffee before doing some dishes and making breakfast.

Wow, that might be the most mundane comment of the year...

Haha! Yeah, sense takes hold at some point I guess.

I hope Melitta stops dripping soon, so you can dive in.

Trust me man so do I, pulled a late one and that coffee is smellin good.

Good luck on the contest, sure it'll go down well 👍

Good luck to everyone!

Wow!! $1,000 is a huge some for just a weekend for me. It's going to be a wonderful experience having such an amount for just one weekend.
Plus, how do I express this in not less than 350 word?

Now, membership is gone, let me downright for my space.

Let's have me come back to #TheWeeekend

Humm... How can I spend 1000$ in a week 🤣🤣 Absolutely I cann't spend this amount. It was to big. 🥺😢

A 350-word limit is wayyy too little in my opinion but I guess that requires every post to get directly to the point. Gonna be racking my brain for this!

Yeah, it's a bit of challenge, but I don't like giving my Hive away without making those who enter my contest concepts work a little.

Wow, so many attractions here sir, let me do it as this is my favorite one. I thought it would be better if you allowed 500 words, but "Small is beautiful" too. I was just wondering what's that community membership? Maybe some kind of recognition to the community members! Thank You!

Oh a very nice surprise to read from my bed this morning, sounds like fun! I will for sure make a post and spend my (unfortunately imagined) 1000 dollars on a fun weekend!
I did wonder about the membership haha, suddenly the weekend community wasn't my top one in my list, gave me a little heart attack haha, but it makes sense to start fresh!

Members will come back, I just want to make it for the right reasons.

I am wondering what made @galenkp to limit the post to 350 words 🤔. He always asks at least 250 words

 3 years ago (edited) 


I get busy during the week and don't have the time to read multiple 1000 word posts to determine the winners so I limited it. Only those meeting the requirements above will be considered for the winning places. I hope this meets with your approval.

I seeeeee

Problem update: Tags that starts with numbers.

@galenkp reported to goodkarma on ecency discord issues. I got a reply that it will be fixed in next update. I hope it will give u a relief in the next contest.


Sounds interesting!

It could be, I guess that is all in the hands of those who choose to enter.

I'm already planning something, but this has an amazing emotional impact for me.

I see you've posted now. Thanks for getting involved.

I always get involved in these topics, today I chose something more emotional, I hope it will appeal to as many people as possible.
Instead of spending unforgettable moments myself, because $1000 is a lot of money to spend, I chose to bring joy to the faces of four children with cancer.
Maybe it sounds weirder, maybe I'm weirder, but that's what I am.

We're all weird...We should celebrate our weirdness. ✅

$1000.00 hmmm. Wonder what kind of Orchid I could get for 1K? Maybe I have an idea here.. But it will be hard to keep it between 250 and 350 words. I'll do my best though. Okay, you got me.. "Screw it, Let's do it!" 😁

349 mate, you killed it! 😊

Good afternoon. The Tag #1000weekend is not allowed so I have not been able to publish, they send me this message: It must begin with a letter.

I have used have others.

It's strange, if I remove it I can post , will it be that I post without the tag and put only #weekend. Is it allowed?

You can post it of course, but to be fair to the others who have tagged it correctly it'll not be eligible for the prizes.

Perfect unfortunately I will not participate but I will post in the spirit of sharing. I understand your reason 100%, a level playing field for everyone. The tag is still resisting!

Post using Peakd, the tag will be allowed.

I'm up for the challenge! I think it turned out nice :)

I really think that the internet elves here in Venezuela are playing a mysterious trick on me, the tag that wouldn't let me publish #1000weekend appeared last. This must be something from my Hive account. I apologize for the inconvenience caused, anyway I already stated that I am out of eligibility for the award since I took it for granted that the tag would not appear. Thanks @galenkp for your understanding.

No inconvenience at all. I'll still vote it but need to maintain continuity for the others who enter. I'll remember this and make sure I don't use numbers at the start of a tag in the future.

I have joined the contest now, but could not tag #1000weekend as my first tag? It says: Tag must start with a letter? What I did is o put the tag #1000weekend in the body of my post. Greetings! @mers

Are we supposed to post only 1 picture, thanks.

Whatever you like.

What a nice one 🤔🤔🤔
Let me try 🤷

You used my image, one I took personally without asking me. Please remove the image from your post.

Apologies 🙏
It has been corrected and it won't happen again.

Oh this sounds like fun, need to find out what 1000USD is in real money🤣

Lol, not as much as it used to be.

lol that is very true!

I am glad I didn't miss it this time around. I am getting my writing pen ready. See you soon sir hahaha.

Straight to the point. I like it. 350 words max. Thank you.

This is awesome! Thinking about how to do with that $1k. Hope to come up with something fun before the timer sets off :D


I can still jump in on this. Expect mine soon sir.

after a little more effort here is the link of the publication with the #1000weekend post made in peak. @galenkp

You should try posting with Peakd. It's awesome.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Oh, I just had to read the post again, 250 - 350 words?? My post was already over that number but I have limited it now.
Good luck to every participant.

I see that you've stopped by my post already. It's edited now to the number it's limited to.

This is a good one ❤️ Unfortunately I have a feeling that the deadline is past 😢

5.5 hours to go. It's currently 06:00 UTC

Nice!!! My very first three post day, perhaps?


@galenkp! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I managed!
You think but Pauline why are you so excited you made a post? Well man there were some obstacles to overcome! I had to create a mobile hotspot to be able to type this on my laptop. And I had to use a completely different platform to write this post as Ecency doesn't allow tags that start with a number haha, so #1000weekend was impossible for me, but all sorted! And just in time....
Seriously though this was fun!

Thanks @galenkp for a very nice challenge. Got me thinking, researching, budgeting and word count watching.

There are some brilliant ideas here and it's always an interesting exercise to see how far $1000 goes in different countries around the world.

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed your word count watching. It's such an enjoyable past time.

There were so many good entries and it's always difficult to select the winners. I'll be bringing on a MOD to help in the next few days...Maybe even hand off all the hard work to that poor sucker outstanding individual...and some hive beneficiary rewards also of course.

$1000USD is a bit of money I guess, in some countries it's a lot of money...I guess it didn't matter though, it was the exercise of getting people to think creatively that was my intention. Looking at the entries I'd say they did.

Oh Im late with this challenge. But still glad that people in the community have great goal for this challenge. By the way ,I love this last words of yours. "Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind".

I'll be releasing an new posting concept in about five hours. It will be pinned to the top of the community and will also appear on my post feed as well.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah, you'll have to limit yourself I guess, if you want to enter that is.

Good you asked this I otherwise I would be out of it by posting more than 350!