It was time to fly home and was ready, I'd been away too long and needed to get back. I missed my own bed, the comfort and familiarity of my own home and, above all else, Cleo. She commands my attention and I willingly give it accepting her affection in return, that and the uncompromising love she gives me. Even now, I anticipate her cuddles, the way she buries her face in my neck and snuggles, and the soft sounds of her contentment. Yes, I was looking forward to flying home and to having some selfish moments life, living life for myself rather than the company I work for I mean, reconnecting with life, and with Cleo.
The last day of my business trip was very focused as I wanted to get as much done as possible, gain as much value from my business trip as I could. I'd ignored the beeps coming through on my personal phone all day but, for some unknown reason, picked up the phone on the last occasion it beeped and...
Flight rescheduled
This happened three hours prior to the flight. I opened the airline's app on my phone and they'd already updated the flight. It was moved from 17:15 and was now 09:45 the following day.
I wasn't best pleased but there was nothing I could do.
I spoke to the General Manager of my company who immediately set someone the task of finding me a new flight. They were successful, but the flight was with a different airline and was just over $1,000 (AUD) instead of the $430 of the existing flight. They would also lose the existing flight making the cost of my return home $1,430 for a Brisbane to Adelaide flight. That's a lot.
The alternative was to accept the revised departure and stay in Brisbane for another night. The company would have sent me home on the expensive flight but I said I'd stay the night to save them the expense. They booked me a room in the hotel I'd checked out of only that morning and only had to wear that cost and my food for the extra night which was far cheaper than the other flight.
In flight
I'm writing this in the air after just enjoying some lovely airline food for lunch, a gourmet chicken and salad wrap, coffee and Pepsi Max. Yes folks, I like airline food, and have actually never had a bad one; that's saying something considering the amount of times I've flown. I read my book a little and am now focused on landing and getting home.
I received no explanation for why my flight was rescheduled but I assume they sold my seat to someone else for more money. Maybe it was cancelled altogether, but I think the former as it's happened to other people I know. It's a by-product of the pandemic which has left airline's scrambling to make up lost revenue. I was lucky, my company pay for everything: Flights, food and accommodation. I'm wonder about those who had to find the additional money for hotel rooms from their own pocket though. What if they were on a tight budget? It doesn't seem at all fair.
I guess it's just another way life has changed.
I've had flights changed before, cancelled for bad weather or maintenance issues, and on each occasion the airline paid for a taxi to a hotel and back to the airport plus a night of accommodation, and a meal allowance. Now...nothing. Assholes.
I'll be landing soon, and snot long after that will be cuddling with Cleo, whispering, I missed you so much, in her ear and feeling good about being home. I was annoyed last night, but the thought of that little cat in my arms, her face nuzzling mine in only an hour or so, causes that annoyance to fade away. She has that power over me. Sure, the airline put a little delay on my life when through bumping me to a flight today rather than last night, I lost half the day travelling, but life doesn't go to plan all the time right?
I'll have a couple days of weekend left to engage with life as I see fit, I lost today to travel due to the airline rescheduling but sometimes life doesn't go quite to plan and Monday is a public holiday so there's something to look forward to. What are you folks up to this weekend? Do you have plans or are you going to freestyle your way through and see what develops? Feel free to comment below and let me know what's up.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any image in this post is my own
Someone who doesn’t like their hot and cold food touching but likes airline food, you are an odd one!
I know, totally odd.
I've never had a bad airline meal though, be it a sandwich or full meal, they've all been good. I still separate hot from cold though.
I was worried about Cleo, who feeds her when you are not around?
I have a trusted person who loves her as I do and takes care of Cleo when I'm not here. I'm fortunate in that way as I don't trust many people in general and almost no one with Cleo.
That's great, it allows you to travel carefree, whether for work or pleasure. And just waiting for your reunion with Cleo.😍
Indeed it does, I'm fortunate to have some trustworthy souls around me.
It's just so bloody rude that they don't even offer an apology or explanation these days. The service industry seems to get away with a lot more than they used to.
I'm sure that Cleo has missed you as much as you have missed her and reunion snuggles will help make it all better. 🐈🐾🐱
Cleo cuddled up to me, gave me a few pinky-nose kisses on my cheek and pretty much stayed in my arms for a half hour or so. I didn't mind.
Ans yes, as bad as things are now, it'll get worse...And yet there's people out there saying nothings wrong. Hmm, yeah ok.
Yes I have always had the airline pick up the tabs for this in the past. If that has changed then they are bloody arseholes.
Well seeing Cleo will have made it all worthwhile. There is nothing like the welcome from a pet when we get home to make every right.
I think they probably thought, hey, we rescheduled the flight, what more do you want you useless, worthless piece of shit customer, and figure I should be grateful they didn't cancel it altogether. So yeah...assholes.
I have Cleo on my lap right now, just waiting for F1 qualifying to come on TV...A lazy evening of snoozing on the couch really. It's good to be home.
Will Leclerc actually capitalise on his pole though!
This is the big question and on this track anything can happen. I'm looking forward to the race tonight.
Yep and he retired. Verstappen starting to pull away in the standings now.
A double DNF for the Scuderia...Not good for the championship. Let's see what Canada turns up. Leclerc needs a win there. A decent day out for the McLarens considering they were the slowest in a straight line.
Oh yes, both McLarens picked up points.
Canada should be interesting but the Scuderia do need some wins to spice up the Championship.
I'm not sure what I am going to do this weekend which of course means I don't have a plan. I'm sitting here with my hair topsy turvy and sleepy eyed because I haven't been out of bed long. I came to Hive first thing and read your post and almost commmented, then thought I should put on some coffee first so I did. I am tumbling around in my head the thoughts of what I will do today, what I will do next. If I did what I should, I would spend a few hours on this house ! I have let things get a bit cluttery and it would be nice for it not to be that way, but who wants to do that ?? LOL I have new flowers to pot that should be done today too. That, I don't mind too much, but it may rain, so we'll see. I also thought about sitting amid the clutter and painting all day. I haven't painted much lately and when I did, nothing I didn't liked came out, so even that could just be a day of making messes.
I also bought a good cantaloupe on Wednesday and good summer corn at another place and have toyed with going back to both places and seeing if there is still some good there. What a tumble of thoughts of things to do and here I am, sitting here commenting on Hive.
I have my priorities real straight, don't I ??? 😄
Now there's a unique mix of thoughts indeed! There was a little of everything really, cantaloupe, messy hair, flowers, painting, coffee, my post and well, so many nuances and angles it's difficult to look at all at once in its entirety. I guess the good thing is that seemingly anything goes for you, meaning everything's possible, and I'd say that's a decent way to approach the weekend.
Now, some trivia for you. Did you know, here in Australia we call cantaloupe, rock melon? It's true. You might know this already I guess, but if you didn't well...I know you're amazed. C'mon, admit that you are. 😏
I hope you have a cantaloupey, paint messy, house cleanery, bad hairified, sleepy eyed, head tumbly sort of day.
Anything goes.... that sounds about right. Sometimes "anything goes" means a lot gets done and sometimes it means nothing gets done...LOL We'll know at the end of the day which category this day will fall in.
I did not know you Aussies called cantaloupe rock melons and I immediately wondered why and then I realized, I don't even know why WE call them cantaloupes either ha ha.... whatever they are called, the one I bought Wednesday was a really good one !
I did decide to have some more Maple Yogurt with my coffee though, so that was one good thing for the day already.
I think rock melon is a better name for them than cantaloupe. I mean, the thing sort of resembles a rock, sort of. I'm always reminded of antelope when I hear cantaloupe and wonder if there's some sort of weird connection. I don't suspect there is though.
I need to get me some maple yoghurt! I've never seen it here though. I wonder if I could just add maple syrup to vanilla yoghurt?
What folly is this that you would think the Aussie name is better. Hmmmffff !
For real, I don't care what we call it as long as whoever has some of it shares it with me!
I can't see any reason not to just add a little maple to the vanilla yogurt. Sparingly though of course to start, so it doesn't become too sweet to eat.
Look, maybe we should just call it cantarock...or even rockaloupe melon. Sound fair?
I guess !
....or a cantarockaloupe.. 😄
Oh, seems I am not up to track with your posts and life, didnt know you were on a business travel.
Have a great weekend at home !LUV
(1/1) sent you LUV.
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Ah ok. Well, I was on a business trip. 😎
I can imagine the frustration after having your flight changed. Like you said sir, what about those on tight budget who couldn't even afford that extra night? It's really unfair and I don't even know they can sell someone's seat to another for more money. You can imagine the things people can do for money. They would inconvenience others for their own selfish interests without giving a hoot what the other person might be going through. What if you had an important thing to do that cannot be delayed till the next day? They clearly didn't think about that. Anything for the money. It's crazy...the world is crazy as a whole. It takes strength to stay sane in an insane world.
At least, Cleo would ease that stress and rid you of that annoyance with her cuddles and soft whispers hahaha. Well done, sir.