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RE: [WE115] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Debussy knew what he was about, although (interestingly) strongly rejected the impressionist composer tag. We look back now (listen back) and simply enjoy his brilliance, no matter what he was called.

I don't know where my topics come from, I mean my brain obviously, but they tend to just pop in there when required and I roll with it.

I hope you enjoy your creative writing and weekend also.


True, he also hated being compared with Ravel XD

Well, that's quite convenient then - ain't it? Keep em coming!

Oh I will, I was planning to attend a concert tomorrow even. There's an orchestra in town performing Mahler's symphony No. 5; so, that should be as relaxing as it would be somber😅

Thanks anyway!

It sounds like you have a good weekend planned. I hope you enjoy it.