Well then, it was all meant to be hypothetical but here you are actively working towards your goals with that proposal.
I like how passionate you get and clearly you have the business acumen to kick things off correctly giving you a better chance at success. Nice work! It's great also to hear you've secured an investor, two in fact, and have some targeted areas to work towards, the widows I mean.
I'm glad you've shared this comment and taken the time to be so specific. All of the people who have commented have suggested such great initiatives...If only I was Elon Musk and could splash around 20 or so $100,000 grants to make them a reality.
Somehow, something has snuggled into my heart these last 15 years working in Asia - and helped me see that my gifts are there to be used. My business experience combined with vision and passion might just be enough to change countless lives.
I read Branson's book, Screw Business As Usual, and it made me understand that part of the change in global consciousness is the way we choose to make and spend our money. I didn't come out of 10 years in oncology to fritter away that life that I regained.
Appreciating your encouragement... stay tuned as we sidestep this annoying little phenomenon named Covid and prepare to kick arse.
Hope you've had an amazing Sunday.
Kicking ass sounds like a good plan...We could start with covid!
Sunday was ok...IKEA...Yep, flat-pack hell coming in the upcoming week for me.