
It's free choice. The truth is, even when you setup the proper education system, it would still be very few to take advantage of it. It's how people are. You can't have everybody be a leader or an inventor, or something. Most would do ass less as possible. Others would do a lot of what they love and that would be great if...if it could be like that for everybody all the time. But it can't. It's a balance between what you love and what you need. The thing is...balance is not easy, either. Nor does everybody think of it.

But there should be the opportunity for those who would lead to be educated to become good leaders. No matter their background, as long as the potential and the desire are there.

Funny thing is...sometimes a person would create something exceptional but the heirs would not be interested in developing/creating/maintaining. Just drinking and fast cars, for example. And it's a personal responsibility, after a certain age.

I don't need for the government to educate me on everything. I am interested in stuff myself. And I can see a path to a future where I would be able to spend perhaps not 100 k but 10 k per year for some charity projects. It's mostly my responsibility to hodl my chances and make it happen.

Btw, I worked with a robot yesterday. It's the opposite of tiny — it's huge ;) They'll get tinier and tinier in the future, I guess. It's logical. Until my nanobot fiction becomes reality...