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RE: Crocodile cuddling

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

Yeah, loads of them man, big buggers too.

There's a lot of stuff that will kill a person in Australia, snakes, crocs, sharks, box jellyfish, spiders, cassowary, koalas...ok, not koalas. I'm ok with them except for snakes and spiders, hate those fuckers.


Yeah, that's a lot. I read that Kangaroos would even drown people and pets if you are both in the water.

Kangaroos aren't really considered a dangeral animal here although if cornered they'll fight and do a pretty good job at it.

I see. I've seen some videos where owners saved their pets from Kangaroos, or there were some conflict with them. I guess it's good that they are rare.

Yep, alive seen the same, in person too...but it's the deadly snakes, spiders, sharks, irukandji and crocodiles that one needs to worry most about.