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RE: [WE108] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I know right? New month indeed. It's a new year for me too actually. Australia's financial year (tax year) ended 30 June and begins again 1 July. No I have a couple of weeks of getting my stuff together for my accountant. 😭

But...I tend to get a healthy return so... 😁


Hahaha oh... start of a new financial year. A lot of paper works to be done. The juicy part is the healthy returns 🥰🥰🥰

I'm buying one of these with my tax return...


  1. Are we going to war?
  2. The tax returns must be very huge. 😂😂🤣🤣

Nah, not war, that's for home defence, but rest assured, I'm ready for war too.
