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RE: Lifting the lid: A look into my centre console

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I could never even fit in one bog roll to my central storage bit.

You could just put it on the roof, you know, like those American cops do, one hand out the window and all. That would be cool.

I do have a multi tool and bits and bobs.

Because you're a fucken Titan.

Yeah, that marlin spike is awesome. I have a couple more of various sizes and Airforce mate of mine makes them as a sideline. Fucker charges me for them, but I get a freebie now an then. Find them knives man, one never knows when one must...cut a loose thread off a shirt.


I am determined to find them today. Somewhere in that bastard garage where all good things go to die.

That's cool he makes them, at least you get the odd freebie.

I will need to get a bog roll holder and glue it on the roof of the beast. That way it can unravel a bit as I drive and fly behind me 😀

Well...whilst you're in the garage you could...umm...tidy up you know. It's been known to happen a time or two at my place. You'll find them, and then you can sit back like a tiger who finally realised he has stripes and not fish scales, and stroke them and talk to them.

I will need to get a bog roll holder and glue it on the roof of the beast. That way it can unravel a bit as I drive and fly behind me

Trust you to take my idea and make it way more fucken awesome.

I do delight in a tidy garage. It's like fighting the tide though. The Good Lady dumps everything and anything in there. On the floors, on about clear surfaces. Till it's just a giant pile of shecht then moans about it being untidy.


Awesome ideas come from awesome seeds!! Titan seeds!

pile of shecht

...describes my garages and workshop sometimes. I'm usually to blame.

Awesome ideas come from awesome seeds!! Titan seeds!

One must spread one's Titan seed right? (It's rhetorical, I know one must.)

After, yes. The Titan seed must be spread!! 😀😀😀