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RE: [WE96] Weekend-Engagement blog prompts

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I've never admitted to this before but...I'm in the CIA. The Culinary Investigation Bureau. I've been in deep cover for some time now and this is part of an operation I've been working on for years. World domination through culinary delights and disasters.

I'm pretty sure I haven't compromised myself here because I know this comment is just between you and I so, it's all good.


No shit? I guess my recipe is out there now, in which case, I don't want you to feel like you can't file an operations report. I guess you missed out on SA Premier, so world domination does seem like the likely next step ;)

Yeah, didn't get the gig for SA but with the national election coming up...I'll take that and use my power as a springboard to culinary domination of the world.

If that doens't work out, at least you could go down the Pete Evans pathway.

Haha, that nutbag? I'm not sure anyone could emulate such nutbaggery.