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RE: The weekend

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

So much better than the manufactured bullshit available now and good to hear the old fella's are still getting out and about. I know music is a personal thing and so it should be, but there's so much rubbish around these days huh?


I am no fan of the new techno computer generated a.i. crap.

Or that dance party rave crap that sounds like a repetitive loop of torture tempo to drive one mad. 🤪

Have You and Yours ever had any musical friends or relatives.?? Do either of you play instruments or sing.?

We already know you can not dance. Or so you say 🤣😂🤣😂😳😳


I play the piano, (bass guitar and trumpet back in the day too.) My grandfather was very talented, was in marching bands, and his brother (my great uncle) was quite famous back in the twenties, had records cut and all. A musical family really.

And yeah, that rubbish you mention is the shit I'm talking about, can't stand it.

I thought I remembered you posting about some of that. But was not sure if it was fiction or non.

No talent in my family. I had a couple uncles who dabbled in guitar and even gave me lessons at about 12-13 yrs of age. I was a pussy and did not like it cuz the strings hurt my little wussy fingers.

Haha, delicate fingers huh? I reckon you work hard enough to have pretty tough hands though.

Battle scarred and calloused.

I was just up in a few trees doing surgery from storm damages with a chainsaw and a pole saw this afternoon. Part Monkey-Part Man.

Back on the road in the AM.


