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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Nia looks a lot like Merlin, the cat I lost last year. Had him for 22 years and miss him so much.

It's incredible how they can sense mood I think. Mine know just when to come over for a cuddle or just sit with their paw on me as if to say, it's ok, I'm here.


I just read that you said Merlin was 22. Wow. It's still very sad, but he was long-lived.

I had to have him put down as he had kidney failure and went blind,lot weight and all. He was a tough old cat but that was too much for him. He walked in circles and bumped into everything. The last straw was when he got himself stuck behind a cupboard and panicked. That made my mind up. It was not a good time for me and I was so upset. Five days later I lost my day. This was last year.

I can't think of it without getting upset of course, but I'm grateful for the time we had.


Merlin and Cleo



That is so sad. They are so sweet together. It's really hard. I am glad that we live longer than our cats because otherwise, we could not know (with some certainty) that we will always be able to care for them. But it really sucks to lose them.

I have never had a friend like my cat Aslan, who passed away over a decade ago. Never had a cat like him either and I know I never will again. However, the cats we have now are lovely in their own way.

Sad yeah, but I got to spend 22 years with him and that's what I hold on to. He was a lovely little fellow, and loved Cleo so much from the moment she came into the household as a six week old stray.

Aslan, like from Narnia? Cool name.