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RE: [WE100] Weekend-Engagement Friday blog prompts

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Haha, indeed...I have personal experience in that regard myself!

Thanks mate, it's been some work, but in the main it's been enjoyable. I'll continue for a while, until no one engages , or I die.


Yeah, I wish I could be more consistent on here but life has been pounding on my cheeks on and off over the last 6 months. Hard to gather myself up from being a puddle to come type on my computer or record videos more than once every week or two.

Here's hoping that I'm still active by the time you get to week 200. You know, if you aren't killed by [insert one of hundreds if not thousands of different types of dangerous animals in Australia.]


It's like that man, life. I sometimes struggle to get my daily post out as well; I have a million things happening in my offline world and it's sometimes easier to simply not post at all - I guess for me I'm afraid that one day may become two, three and four and all of a sudden I'm like, fuck you Hive! So, I keep going. I'll say one thing, it's helped me to think and write fast.

I'll try no to get killed by the myriad of things that want to kill me, this includes China and Indonesia, although that's a little in the future...or is it?

I hope you're well mate, do what you can and look after yourself before you do anything on Hive.