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RE: WEEK 145: Weekend-Engagement writing suggestions

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I think people should focus on quality over quantity with posting or commenting, add in some passion, personality and effort and a user is well on the way.

Thanks for your words about my concept...I try to keep them interesting. I actually noticed last week that one of my topics released Friday was used as a topic for the Ladies of Hive community. I think they should have come up with their own topic and copying is in bad taste, but hey, sometimes people just can't think up stuff for themselves so have to take someone else's idea.

As for individuals, my topics are there to be written about, so if you have time and the motivation to do so, you are welcome to them.


I completely agree with you that quality matters most than quantity and adding passion, personality, and effort can make a huge difference in the engagement and impact of a post or comment.

Regarding the situation with your topic being used by the Ladies of Hive community, I can understand why you feel that way about copying ideas. However, I believe that it's also possible that they may have been inspired by your topic and wanted to explore it further from their own perspectives.

In any case, I appreciate your generosity in making your topics available for anyone to write about. Keep up the great work

may have been inspired

Yeah, some don't have the creativity to devise their own thing, so they get inspired by someone else's.