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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 153

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

It sounds like you've got a decent weekend planned, a little fixing and a little fishing. Well balanced.

A funeral today mate, I'm used to them I guess, but they never get easier. I had to travel for this one too, 3.5 hours each I'm kind of beat right now (just got home.) Dinner and the couch is planned, maybe an earlier night.

I hope you have a great weekend man, if if you get ten minutes to do a topic as above I'll see it over the weekend.


Oh damn! You have my deepest and sincerest condolences. Sorry for your loss. I am sure they are special to you to travel 7 hours round trip in a day. You'll be in my thoughts and hope you get a good nights sleep.

Thanks mate, I appreciate your words.