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RE: Lucky weekend shopping

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I have an almost "sacred" relationship with all the instruments that enable the transformation of matter and resources

My grandfather was an expert craftsman who created many amazing pieces: Carved mirror frames, clocks, tables, chairs...but he could create anything in wood from the most mundane to the most delicate and intricate. He would have said something like you just said above also.

It's funny how many seem to want to share their life adventures, but are so uncurious about others' sharing

Agreed, although I'm very careful about what I put here with most of what and who I am remaining private. I think people start to care when a relationship is formed and that takes time. I've worked at it for the five+ years I've been around Hive and have some great ones that would endure off Hive also. And...with your commenting to me, my responses...that's relationship building. 😎

Have a good day and rest of the week. I'm done with Wednesday (just after 18:00 here now) and only two more days to go and it's the weekend!


It made me curious to see some of his creations, even if I can imagine a bit, and maybe - surely - my images don't match ! :)

Yes, I think I'm pretty close to this idea of not wanting to be identifiable, without being fully anonymous, or rather without contours and form for the people I interact with here... I think it's also beautiful, because even being like this, a lot of things come through the articles, a lot in their succession notably! But, I agree that it's interesting to find the right balance, as in everything.

In these terms, it makes relationships perhaps longer to weave and build, but when they are on the right track, they can also be longer lasting than simple relationships of connivance or interest, as human relationships can show us !

Cheer up for this final sprint to the weekend, and by the way, congratulations for the Weekend community, I'm still following it from a bit (too) far, but the desire to share is growing !

I wish you a really pleasant day 💫