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RE: Weekend-engagement week 16: How does yours look?

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Hey! Happy birthday to you! Exactly half my age huh? Well, you'll not catch me whilst I'm alive, but someday I shall move on to another plane of existence (die) and you'll creep closer to me then! Lol.

I hope you have a great birthday weekend and really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment here!

Oh, by the way...I remember being 25...Kind of...It was long time ago! :)



You're twice my age, almost nothing, I could be your son, hahaha.

In the end Hive is another family. Thanks for your good wishes and I hope you liked the cake.

You could be...I'd have you...You seem like a nice lad; Respectful, intelligent and engaging - Just what I'd want my son to be.

Grateful for such a great description, say no more, adopted by G-dog in HIVE.

You are also an exemplary person, anyone would want you as a father.

Thank you mate...I try to be the best version of myself I can be. Sometimes I am and sometimes not. 😏