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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

This is a very difficult question for me because everywhere is my preferred answer although I'll give you one place.

I'd go to Norway. It's just so different to anything I'm used to here in Australia and I'd love to go there, spend a while there, maybe a few years so I cold see it in every season and travel around and look enjoy all the different aspects of it. Of course, I'd need a huge pile of money to do this but considering we're talking if's then that's the place!

How about you? Anywhere in particular you'd go?



I thought about it a little bit when I posted the question and realized it is also a difficult question for me. I have a lot of places I want to go.

If we limit it to this planet I would probably say Scotland. We have been planning a trip there but first Brexit and now Covid-19 have been conspiring to keep us away.

If we go beyond the planet I wouldn't mind visiting an advanced alien species and experiencing what they have to offer.

Oh yes, Scotland is our list too...Like you say, just so many places! I think if it was in space I'd like to visit Pandora. Seems like a nice place, if a little dangerous.