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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago (edited)

Hmm, my life expectancy...

Ok, so at 50.5 right now...I'd say 20-25 years if I am lucky.

It's a bit morbid to think about really but I don't shy away from the fact I will one day die. I am diabetic and so have a strong change of not living the full term through complications arising from that condition as time goes on. Then there's cancer etc. So, I don't know...Who really knows.

I don't think I want to die though, meaning I'm not ready yet, so it would be sad for me to have my life cut short, not that I'd have much of a say in it. I'm ready for it though. I have my affairs in order so that when I'm gone those that are left, my wife Faith, will not need to do much other than rejoice or grieve, whichever it is she will do.

One thing I know...I do not want her to go first...I would not cope without her and so I hope I go first. A selfish thought of course, one that means I'd avoid the pain of having to lose her.

Just on another note: I'm working on a list of who I'll come back and haunt after I'm gone. You know, move stuff in their houses, turn the water mains tap off when they're in the shower, sneak laxatives into their food...You know, all those things that will give me a big old laugh. It's a long list.



If you are being good by the time I make it to the other side you can be my mentor to help curb my devious haunting ways and set me on the path of righteousness. I'll not want to haunt people forever, just a while, have some fun. I'm sure there's other activities to do on the other side so maybe you can persuade me not to haint those I left behind. :)