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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

I've had a few nicknames, depends on what circles I mix in. Lawrence is one of them because I once wore a shemagh head covering thing at the gun range...Someone said I looked like Lawrence of Arabia, the British Officer who gained fame in World War 1 as an operative in the Middle East. There's no resemblance of course, but one can't help the ignorance of others.

If you don't know what a shemagh is...(Most military personnel who deploy to the sand box use them.)

Dave huh? Here you'd be Davo at the very lease. Dave-O.


Dang, got to get me one of these..could help to protect against the harsh Canadian winters!

There's so many ways to use them...I use mine to ward off the sun, usually whilst shooting.

On this occasion I was shooting the IPSC State Titles and it was 46°C (Around 114F) My wife had wet it down to try and cool me down a bit between shooting stages which were all dynamic (running etc.)

P1030897 (1).jpg

I'll be honest though, I think you'll need something a little more robust for those Canadian winters...I heard they are really cold! (Had an uncle who lived in Toronto)

Yes, Toronto is super cold with that humidity and all. Like a bone chilling cold. May even be colder than Saskatchewan.

Need to drag my Aussie ass over there someday...2023? Hmm, possibly, if the pandemic stuff is over. I'll not come in winter, and if I do I'll bring my shemagh...And one for you too. Promise.

Well, Larry. Tell me how you really feel about the Borough Superior motorcycle?

It's the most collectible MC on earth, and Laurence of Arabia is partly at fault. He swore by them, so much that he owned 8. Actually, he died on #7 before 8 was delivered. Those 7 are the most valuable mcs on earth. Yes 7. The one that killed him was scrapped.

There are only 34 whole BS mcs known to exist. There's some parts floating around (also damn valuable) so 35 is always a possibility.

I wouldn't mind one or two of them in the garage...What do you think one would be worth nowadays?

I was at an auction in January where one didn't make reserve at $500,000. It wasn't one of the Laurence bikes. Number 8 traded a few years ago for 1.7 million.

Here's the one that didn't sell for half a mil:


Way out of my league, but good to see people valuing history huh?

Best car/motorcycle show around is some of the really big auctions. The one last year cost $20 general admission but had a really great show and it was fun watching the auction when I was done walking around...

Covid permitting I think a buddy and I are going to go to one in Las Vegas in January. Should be fun.

I watch Barrett Jackson auctions from the States sometimes. Some nice machinery.

My eldest brother is in the car game, restos. He knows Richard Rawlings well, from Gas Monkey, and others. So my bro goes to SEMA every year. I'd like to go one day.

I've only been to SEMA once when I was racing. What a freaking candy store for a gearhead. It's just amazing.

The last auction I went to was televised (Meechams) and the one we'll maybe go to in January is Barrett Jackson.

Here's number 8 it was on display in the Imperial war museum In London until about 2013.

Oh, my. It's really a gorgeous motorcycle isn't it? Thank you. Just seeing it makes me feel 'special'.

Yes, very nice I still don't know why they removed it from the museum, it was replaced with a Honda CG125 copy from Afganistan?

The bike was/is owned by an individual. I believe it was sold as a part of an estate sale. I think it is now available but at a huge price.

I've seen the Vincent Red Shadow twice, both at auction. The guy that owns it won't let it go for less than a million and he's been close both times. It is one of one.

I believe there are many more hidden/forgotten in sheds around the country (UK) and certainly, a few more still exist than you mention, There's about 70 ss100 still out there and a fair few ss80 also.

I have heard rumours of a guy in Cornwall with 2 ss100 tucked away and every year some forgotten gems are rediscovered.

Lof A's number 7 was returned to Brough after his accident and repaired and resold

All I have is some of those parts you mentioned hung on my wall of fame. Lots of cool names here.

Mark 7.jpg

I hear rumors a little, too. There's always some really remarkable things being found.

There's a glorious wall. I just love stuff like that. Good for you! I am officially jealous. About the best I have hanging around is a pair of valve covers off a '63 Corvette fuelie and a pair of rear sets from a Hayabusa hanging around my house :)

Speaking of finds, there are motorcycles in sheds in the US, too. This 1911 Pierce Arrow 4 is a fairly recent find (it was sold in July) and it's unrestored. Looks like new. This is NOT my photo:


That's rather cool, I love the Century bikes with the white rubber. I've been trying to get a friend to sell me his 1912 Triumph but he's still saying no. Can't blame me for asking and I shall keep doing so.