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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

Faith's mum lost her house and everything in it, all except for her purse and the dog plus the nightie she was wearing...It was 4am.

Anyway, this is pretty easy for me as I'm a prepper.

I would grab my go-bag.

It contains just about everything I may need to salvage my life from. Passports, some cash, passwords, phone numbers, membership numbers, bank accounts, a debit card with a few thousand on it, a hard drive with crypto-keys, a spare phone (always charged) which is a mirror of my actual phone. Birth and marriage certificates, copies of wills and power of attorney documents. Some gold and silver, keys to my vehicles and garages, some photos...You get the idea. It even has some clothes as we may be naked or in PJ's when we leave.

To be honest it is in a location that I'd be able to pick it up on the way out, or reach it if I exited a different way. We have a fire evacuation plan and know it by heart and part of that is to have a go-bag.

I'm fortunate to have a large storage area detached from my house so we have things in there. It is unlikely it would burn down if my house did so that's where the bulk of our photos are, precious documents etc. I'm a shooter so I have gun safes, all fireproof up to 1200C for up to an hour. Houses don't take that long to burn.

We would be devastated if this happened to us. My mother in law was. She lost her husband when he was 33, (Faith was 11) and in the fire she lost every single photo or keepsake of him. It was pretty tragic.

So, I know this is probably not really one thing but it sort of is...Go-bag. If you don't have one, make one.