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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

Hey there, thanks for asking a question...No thanks for making it so hard! Lol.

I'd have to say Australia as we have a very safe and free existence. There's a lot wrong with it at the moment, but when compared with other places those things pale into insignificance. We have a good climate and generally incomes are pretty good. The COVID situation is hitting hard, and our economy was in decline before that, but still, the standard of living is good.

We have a very diverse country with just about everything any other country has from snow to tropical forests, amazing beaches and waterways, arid and desert lands, savanna, native scrub, fertile fields and mountain ranges...It's pretty sweet. It's culturally diverse also so our food is varied, plentiful and of a very good quality.

Having said all of that, I have travelled extensively and there's many places I could settle down however in light of the pandemic situation I think Australia has been confirmed as the best place to be for me. There's merit to having an island and the ability to lock it down.

Disclaimer: New Zealand's south island also appeals to me. Such a beautiful spot.

Great question...Now your turn...Where would you choose and why?

P.s. Glad you are enjoying the #weekend-engagement posts.



I realise I have already asked a question, BUT I heard there was a special on this weekend... Have you ever seen snow in OZ Galen?

You can have this one for free.

Yes it snows here in certain areas. I have seen snow in a few of them including the high country in Victoria, In Tasmania on My Wellington and in Canberra. I'm not into skiing so haven't been to the ski fields per se, but if up high enough one can play with snow. It's odd to think it snows here in Australia I guess, but it does, every year.

Yeah it is strange, considering the perception people have of flaming Oz, I thought I had heard before that it did snow, but it is fab to get some fair dinkum clarification from a bloody native :D

Not sure if I ever mentioned that my Nana's Brother in law came from Highett, Vic, before. Although I may have mentioned that after my Granddad died, my Nana who had never left the country ever went to Oz for 3 months and ended up staying closer to 9 months in the end, in her mid 60's.

Nobody ever knows where life is gonna lead them. I'm sure I am not telling you anything you don't already know or believe lol.

It's a country of contrasts and whilst winters are nowhere near to what Europe experiences we got some snow. It has even snowed here in South Australia but it's extremely rare and only in certain areas...Not enough to ski on of course, just some light snow fall.

Where did your Nana stay when in Australia? Victoria? 9 months is a good amount of time to spend for sure.