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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

This all sounds like a perfectly good use of hypothetical lottery winnings and it would surely make for an excellent life.

You mention charities...Here, mostly only 10 cents in every donated dollar reaches the people who need it and so I'm not inclined to donate to charities that use the funds to but Mercedes Benz for the CEO and BMW's for the managers. Having said that, I'm a pretty solid supporter of businesses and initiatives that support returned military veterans, a group that my government don't support very well. There's many ways to be charitable.


Wow that's awful, well I know what you are talking about, I live in a very corrupted country it really makes me super mad! The worst thing is that they take the money shamelessly it's outrageous!
Oh yes, I have read about the veterans, they are not supported and that it's horrible, they are left out after fighting for the country... We must find the right charities to support, that's right!!

That's the key, finding the right charities, or businesses to support, to ensure the funds get to where they are needed.

We have always said if we had things to spare we would help others, and we do the good will and offer material things to friends. Even the cardboard sign holding beggars on the corner want only money.

Galen nails it here with the charities. They would have to have a 99% pass thru before I would give cash. That just does not happen. :-/

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People can be charitable in other ways. That's what we do, rather than fund Mercedes Benz's for the CEO.

There's so much good work that could be done and yet so many charities make a mockery of people. Shameful.