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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

career you dreamed about is

Always wanted to be a fireman...I like helping people. It never happened though, life just got in the way I guess, I went in other directions.

Happy birthday for Tuesday...Don't worry, you're not old...When you catch up to me you will be though. :)

My dad was a great artist, made a living from it. It is hard though. The thing is that you can draw anytime, for yourself. I think you should because if you feel passionate about it then you clearly get some reward, maybe not financial, but emotional. That's worth doing.

Well done on your relationship also...Strong relationships are hard to develop these days, so fight for it if you have to.


Thanks for the birthday wishes, wise words and great advices! They were well needed :)

I'm not a big fan of birthdays, my own I mean, as I don't like being the centre of attention but other people's...If cake is involved, I'm all in. :)

Same here. That's why I always hold my birthday in nature with some friends and family, exploring the surroundings and sleeping in the tents :D

Most likely a happy day when we all gather together rather than a birthday lol

Dream passion would be to work in the field of nature ,wildlife and marine conservation. Id live nothing more than to live in the tropics swimming the reefs and conserving them.

Same here! I really wish I'll get to earn my income from doing what I really love..

Looking into nature conservation. Pretty hard nut to crack though