Opening Sunday's door

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)

It gives you a good feeling. Each year, you rediscover in a garden the magic of life. A flower arrives, and it is a miracle. The leaves fall in the autumn, and it looks fantastic. There is a tenderness about a garden, and you can't help but be sensitive to that.

- Hubert de Givenchy -

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I'm currently somewhere other than home doing something other than the normal stuff and working hard at it, as is my way; but as we all know, working hard needs a counter-balance and I work just as hard at finding relaxation and enjoyable life-moments when appropriate as I do at my professional life and on the weekends...let's just say that work gets put aside in preference for opening doors on other aspects of my life.

on Saturday night, I decided I'd open Sunday's door and step through into...the natural world by way of a couple of open gardens I'd tracked down in my current location; one was a private resident's garden and one a National Trust property and both were well worth the lengthy drive to get there. I actually visited a pretty cool country market in the same place, a very small country township, as well but when I planned to open Sunday's door I wanted to step into the natural world so my country market visit was short-lived, a quick whip around and then off to the gardens.

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Both gardens had their appeal however I think the private garden appealed to me more; I guess I just really appreciated the effort and hard work that went into it, all undertaken by a couple in their late sixties; I know how much it takes to maintain a garden considering I do my own, so I applaud their efforts. That's not to say the National Trust property wasn't good, it surely was, but I'd expect it to be so considering the army of volunteers working on it each week. I don't want to pick favourites though and the overall winner was me anyway because I had such an enjoyable day. The images in this post are all from today.

What have you been up to over the weekend? Feel free to drop me a comment and let me know, or simply comment on this post in the way you feel appropriate.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
All images in this post are my own.


I have to applaud the couples for these beauties. They did well maintaining them. And thanks for taking this work.

I have been home, and I still am. There was no weekend outing. I have had malaria since this week and just began treatment on Friday. The drugs make me weak, so I have not been active like I would have hoped for online and couldn't go out.

I heard malaria isn't any fun. It's not a concern here in Australia, we don't have it, but I travelled to a country that did so had to take all the anti-malaria medication. Fortunately I didn't get it. Good luck, I hope you feel better.

It isn't truly. You heard right. I am glad you didn't catch it. And thanks for the wishes.

I loved those pink flowers and the water fountain in the middle of nature!

The pictures and the place are beautiful and it was worth it, especially because you had a great time and that's the best thing.

Yesterday was a day of shopping, tidying the house, tidying up, cooking and so on but today I have planned a visit to an art exhibition .... how strange for me right? hahaha but also a walk beyond the exhibition.

The day is a bit cloudy, I hope it doesn't rain, but if it does, I'll change my plans hahaha.

Ahhh I'm also going for a walk with my son Tony, my baby kitty. That's very important!

Thanks Galen for those beautiful pictures!

It sounds like you have had a good weekend, busy and also you've got some fun coming up with the exhibition. All the best for the rest of the day.

Whatever I do, I'll take it easier, if I can't go out it's fine... it'll be late doing other things. But I want to go to that museum!

Wow bro, when I read "gardens" at first I thought of the flowers and plants of a normal house, but this is another level, it's like the elite of gardens hahaha, how beautiful it is and good that you are so good with the camera because we can appreciate it more. I love that you have this different weekend and that you make it balanced between work and calm, as it has always characterized you since I read you...

You know, until today I realize that you always start your posts with a phrase that makes me reflect, good for you, at least in me you achieve it and maybe you reach more people. Happy Sunday brother! ✌️

The gardens were really cool and I'm glad I got the chance to visit, I figured I'd make good use of the fact I'm in this location and I had the time...seemed worth it.

Thanks for taking a look, I'm glad you like the photos and hopefully you're day is going well.

Looks like your Sunday was filled with beauty.

Those photos are a feast for the eyes for sure. I an only imagine how wonderful it was to actually be walking through those gardens.

It was a nice day; a bit of driving in the countryside, the gardens, the markets, got a snack there, and some pretty nice weather all the way. Nothing to complain about really. 😊

Thanks for taking a look at the photos, just shots off my phone, but they sort of tell the story I guess...nothing like being there in person though.

I did mean to say that my photos are always from my phone these days and they are hit and miss. That is something I really love about the digital photo age, that I can take many photos and only keep the best few. They are fairly sufficient, but once in a blue moon some will come out exceptional and surprise me.

It's true no photo can provide the "feel" of the experience, but it still helps to give readers a bit of a visual as best you can.

Sometimes I have something to express that there are no photos to illustrate them, thoughts and the such, but then I just throw some random pics in, because I think I can't make a post without some. :)

I sometimes take so many pictures and end up with one or two I like, a half dozen I might be happy to put on a post. Thanks digital era.

Back in the day I used to photograph car racing using 35mm idea what shots AI was getting, no screens and all on the camera and had to pay for processing. I might shoot ten 24-shot rolls in a got costly so that's another reason to thank digital cameras!

I think posts need an image but I think people obsess about the right image too much. Sure, if it's about a place one went, photos of that place will work, but generally, I think people could use their imagination more and diversitfy the images, you know?

That fountain shot was really well done. I like how it seems framed in the middle, and the symmetry is so nice. The house covered by plants and flowers also look great. I don't know if it attracts a lot of insects, but seeing a lot of butterflies would be nice.

Thank you, it was a really nice day and I enjoyed the peace and quiet, not having to talk and converse...just me and nature.

Nature always has insects I guess, and places like this are prolific with butterflies. It's nice.

Hello Galen this weekend I was attending a pleasant invitation for a discussion on various topics about Democracy, citizen participation, education and opportunities as a reflection for the vast majority of our young people in the university auditorium and regarding the reality we live as a country.

Without education there is no opportunity or future for them.

What beautiful landscapes with those magnificent gardens, I imagine the aroma and the feeling of peace in those places, the jardin secret made me wink with the eye... I think even fairies must be there.

Hopefully that thing you went to was fulfilling and engaging, and your country wakes up to what it has done to itself.

Thanks for having a look at my post and I'm glad you liked the photos. It certainly was a nice place to spend some time and I'm glad I made the effort to get out there.

There are places that stay still until you set foot in them, like those beautifully manicured gardens, it was a great walk, thanks for sharing your look of your wonderful day.

The second picture in which high green trees are surrounding the black road is looking like way to heaven where a person can smell the scent of greenery and can dwell in the thoughts. Furthermore, pink colour flower is looking so good.
My university is full of greenery as it is nestled in the hills so my retina often turns into green colour 😂.

It's good to spend some time with nature, that you get to do it at university probably makes for a good feeling and could be more conducive to learning I guess.

I would say this was the best decision to get admission in this university. In start I was so uncomfortable because I was not adaptable to this hilly weather and then gradually my body adapted the weather and now it's normal. Even university is Like home to me.

Feeling comfortable is likely to make you more productive.

I love to see the bright spring colors of your shots now that we have entered the browns of the autumn here. It is magic to be able to enjoy both seasons (although yours are photos I know they have been taken today) at the same time.

It's sometimes weird to think about the differences in seasons right? I get all these snow images from my brother in Finland at the same time it's 40 degrees Celsius and more here. Weird.

Spring and autumn are probably my favourite seasons here, although winter can be glorious in my state, day temps of 15-22C and blue skies. Summer, well, 47C+ is not fun.

I hope you're having a good weekend.

These places you visit are wonderful. Anyone would feel a winner to do so because absorbing so much beauty is a gift to the senses. And the peace you breathe there in that natural environment is very good for your health. I confess that I am in need of these getaways. And I thank you, because every time I read you and look at your photos, you make me want it more.

I have been really busy this weekend. But it has been nice to get out of my routine, and feel that warmth that only a mother and a father know how to give.

The beauty of nature I guess, not just visually but how it affects a person emotionally is what you refer to I guess; the peace and comfort. It's a good feeling for sure.

Thanks for coming past and I hope your weekend with your parents has gone well.

Yes, just that.


Good thing you opened that door, because these gardens are a delight to the eye, they are beautiful, I love the photo of the fountain. A paradise. My weekend, was a bit busy, I was walking around the city, but I didn't find any interesting place open, it's strange because it was Saturday. However, it has been a good weekend, especially because the heat is gone and the cold weather is back in my region.

I like walking around the city sometimes, but when things are closed...I like looking at the architecture and streetscapes without the people around. Thanks for taking a look at my post, I'm glad you liked the photos.

We are in death mode here. Everything is falling off the trees and the grass is finally done growing for the year. I think I might have to cut it one more time. I might not make it before the snow starts to fly though. In the Spring, we have a yellow daffodil that always pops up just past our fence line and that is how I know summer is on the way.

So, the grass grows back after the winter right? Does it just happen or do you need to replant and do something to make it happen, cultivate it?

Oh yeah, it grows back with a vengeance. Plus, this past Spring I decided to have it fertilized and weed treated, so it has been growing thicker and greener than ever. Some people roll their lawns or aerate them, but I just let it do what it naturally does.

Ah ok, I was wondering how it would go after being under snow for a while.

I aerate, topdress and fertilise my lawn...keeps it looking good. It never gets snowed on though.

The grass over here is pretty resilient. I'm guessing it is built to go dormant and then come back in the spring like many other plants. I'd just let it go if I had to re sod every year.

Mate! Over here in this part of the world, the weekend is winding down, and I just had to comment on the absolute beauty of tour post.

Those photos really got me—the lush green landscapes are downright enchanting, no matter where they are. And you know what? I felt like a winner myself because, in a way, I got to soak up the beauty of those gardens.

As for my own weekend, it’s been pretty darn productive—way off the beaten path from my usual routine. But feels mighty good to break the routine

Wishing you a fantastic Monday, Mate

Well, it's Monday here so the weekend is a distant memory.

I'm glad you're ending the weekend with the thought that it was productive, that's the best sort of weekend to have.

Now...have a good week until the coming weekend! 😉

Wow, what a garden and what beautiful flowers!

Yeah, it was a pretty nice spot.

Oh, these are beautiful takes and a gorgeous garden, well portrayed in pictures. A nice relaxation spot indeed.

I am at my usual dealings of relaxation at home, planning for the new month as well as finishing up bit by bit works started.

Home can be a good place to relax and plan, hopefully you've got it all sorted. Thanks for taking a look at my post. All the best.

It sure can. The pleasure is always mine.
Thank you.🙏🏽

First of all, what a great phrase at the beginning and the truth is that it's great that you have contemplated this great beauty.
Best regards

I guess beauty is all around, we just have to take the time to see it, to look past the complications and complexities of our daily lives.

I hope you're having a good weekend.

Of course thank you yo too have a great sunday

Woah! This is a lot more than only a garden. This place is so beautiful, mate. A lot of appreciation for the couple.

I have been doing my assignment which was assigned to me by the university professor this weekend. It is completed now.

Yeah, a lot of work went into these gardens for sure; a good example of what hard work and effort can achieve.

Well done on getting your assignment done.

Yup. Hard work always pays off.

Well done on getting your assignment done

Thanks mate😊

Yup. Hard work always pays off.

I'd like to suggest an amendment to that statement...

Doing the right hard work often pays off.

I know people that work so hard at activities that aren't valid or productive in the grand scheme of things and that's not going to pay off so well.

Are you referring to something specific? Or is it just a random amendment.

I thought my comment was pretty clear.

You said, " Hard work always pays off."

I disagree because a person doing the wrong things, even they work hard, will achieve the wrong results. I don't make random amendments.

There is no doubt that a person who uses his talents properly succeeds in life. Every step leads to a new door and every new door leads to success.That is why it is said that one should always strive in life and the person who strives to achieve his success, then Allah Ta'ala helps him and makes him successful.I appreciate your work and appreciate your photography

Thanks for taking a look at my photos and commenting.

most welcome brother

This would be a place I'd love to keep coming back. The place is so refreshing in the eye.

It was a nice place to visit. Thanks for coming by and having a look at my post.

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Wooow!😲🤩 What place is this sir @galenkp ? I haven't seen a photography so fantasizing and astounding like these. Best shot photos sir @galenkp I wish I could visit a place like this. ☺️

Have a read of the post, it explains what it is.

Thank you sir... @galenkp

Such a wonderful private resident's garden & an awesome National Trust property,

 11 months ago  Reveal Comment

Sure were great gardens and it was a pleasure to be in them too.

 11 months ago (edited) 

For sure...I have also noticed that you only comment to me immediately after you post in my community and ignore me altogether at other times. I understand that you're trying to get my attention and an upvote for that post...but I think it might be better for you if you engaged with me more consistently and not just when you want me to vote on a all of your posts might get a comment then.

It was an observation is all, I'm trying to encourage you to engage more. You can choose to do as you wish of course, I didn't mean anything by my comment other than to suggest more engagement.

On the other matter...that blacktones account you mention...he also has one called g-dog (in which he has stolen my personal image and used for the profile image) and his main account is @amirl - a disgusting, filthy little insignificant person. Best you simply ignore him on all three of those accounts.

You are the one bringing this entire community down because you think you are on some sort of crusade. I just went to look at your communities - oh wait, you don't have any because you're too busy being a Debbie Downer on chain. I think it's quite pathetic and speaks volumes for your character or lack thereof.

 11 months ago  Reveal Comment

This was worth a 100% upvote.