Lifting the lid: A look into my centre console

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I was hoping there was something super-cool in there, but knew there wasn't...A selection of mundane every-day items was all I could present and, rather than strategically insert way-cooler things, I decided to show you what's really in the centre console-storage area of my four wheel drive.

This week for the #weekend-engagement topics week 145 post, found here, I decided to make one of the topics about what's in people's glove compartment or centre console of their vehicle. I don't generally write posts on any of my own topics but this one caught my eye and I figured why the fuck not?


That's the interior of my four wheel drive above. It's a Toyota Landcruiser VX (Twin turbo diesel 4.5L V8) and it's big. The size of that centre console demonstrates that I think. Considering my glove compartment is rather boring, just paperwork and my GAU-21, I figured I'd show you what's in the centre console so scroll down for the images and some brief descriptions and explanations.

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Above is three shots of the open console storage area. It opens in three stages (images left to right).

The middle compartment is a removable tray and you can see it removed in the right-side image above. As you can also see, I make good use of the space. It's a deep storage compartment and comes in super handy.

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I have a few personal care items like lip balm, dental floss and hand sanitiser, all of which are heavily used. (No, I don't floss my teeth in my car!) I also have USB adaptor to plug in various things when required and that's my money pouch (purchased in the UK a while back) where I keep small change for whatever comes up. There's some pens and a note pad as well, one never knows when a good post idea might hit right?

This isn't very exciting stuff, I know.

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That stuff above is a bit more interesting. I always have a spare set of Oakley wrap-around sunglasses in my console - one can never have enough Oakley wrap-arounds. I also keep a foldable multitool and cutlery set (complete with chopsticks) for emergency eating situations. (Hey, it happens!)

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Here's some cool shit. I have the foldable knife for, well you know, cutting things in emergency situations. I mean threat-scenarios folks...or when I pull a thread on come clothing of course. Like with all my knives, it's super sharp and I'm super-good at using it. The other item is called a marlin spike. That's a nautical name because the tool is designed for use on a ship (old school one) for splicing rope, untying knots, or to use as a toggle or handle. This is in my vehicle to do none of that. It's a handy self-defence tool.

These cold weapons - a weapon that doesn't involve explosive materials - haven't been used as weapons, but I'm a prepared man so...I'm prepared.

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This image above shows some batteries (they're always handy), my hand-held UHF CB radio and the hand-set for the UHF CB radio mounted on the car.

The hand-held radio is used outside the vehicle to communicate back to the vehicle, or with someone else in their own vehicle. When four wheel driving, sometimes the driver needs precise placement of the wheels (rutted tracks and creek-crossings and so on) and so the spotter takes the hand-held radio and talks back to the driver to guide him or her. It is also used in vehicle recovery/winching situations in the same way.

The vehicle mounted unit, (the hand-set plugs into the dashboard plug), is used for the purpose above or to communicate vehicle to vehicle when driving in convoy.

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Ok, back to some boring shit. I have the surgical gloves for a few reasons...first-aid use (handling blood) and to put on when fuelling up with diesel. I don't like getting diesel on my hands and diesel pump handles are often covered in it so the throw-away gloves take care of that issue. Getting diesel on the leather inside my vehicle isn't my idea of fun - it stinks.

I have some emergency food. This isn't meant to sustain me if I get stranded, I have other foodstuffs on board for that kept in the rear. This is in case I haven't eaten for a while and am not in a position to buy something. I'm diabetic you see. I have face masks although I could remove them as no one has to wear them any more, a small first-aid kit (and the knowhow to use it) and lastly some toilet paper.

Looking at my items I can see some things I don't need (face masks) and some things that aren't there which I'll probably add in. Having said that, I have a drawer system in the rear compartment below the onboard fridge/freezer slide and in there is a pile of other things, tools and recovery gear, emergency food and water and so on, so there's not many items I think I'd need to add to the console-storage inside the car.

That's it folks, a little peek into the centre console storage area in the G-dog's four wheel drive, called Big Dog.

If you have any questions or observations please comment, and if there's an item you think I need in there, suggest it. I'm already considering a bazooka though, so no need to suggest that one.

If you want to get involved with the #weekend-engagement concept find the topics, guidelines and deadline here.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.


Flumpin heck man. You have so much space and cool stuff!! I could never even fit in one bog roll to my central storage bit.

I do have a multi tool and bits and bobs.

I love the spike! I have a knife called a lockspike which has a foldable spike at one end and a choppy blade at the other. I bloody love the thing but will have to find it. The missus made me move loads of my good knives when the children wereborn. Dammit, I can't remember where!

I could never even fit in one bog roll to my central storage bit.

You could just put it on the roof, you know, like those American cops do, one hand out the window and all. That would be cool.

I do have a multi tool and bits and bobs.

Because you're a fucken Titan.

Yeah, that marlin spike is awesome. I have a couple more of various sizes and Airforce mate of mine makes them as a sideline. Fucker charges me for them, but I get a freebie now an then. Find them knives man, one never knows when one must...cut a loose thread off a shirt.

I am determined to find them today. Somewhere in that bastard garage where all good things go to die.

That's cool he makes them, at least you get the odd freebie.

I will need to get a bog roll holder and glue it on the roof of the beast. That way it can unravel a bit as I drive and fly behind me 😀

Well...whilst you're in the garage you could...umm...tidy up you know. It's been known to happen a time or two at my place. You'll find them, and then you can sit back like a tiger who finally realised he has stripes and not fish scales, and stroke them and talk to them.

I will need to get a bog roll holder and glue it on the roof of the beast. That way it can unravel a bit as I drive and fly behind me

Trust you to take my idea and make it way more fucken awesome.

I do delight in a tidy garage. It's like fighting the tide though. The Good Lady dumps everything and anything in there. On the floors, on about clear surfaces. Till it's just a giant pile of shecht then moans about it being untidy.


Awesome ideas come from awesome seeds!! Titan seeds!

pile of shecht

...describes my garages and workshop sometimes. I'm usually to blame.

Awesome ideas come from awesome seeds!! Titan seeds!

One must spread one's Titan seed right? (It's rhetorical, I know one must.)

After, yes. The Titan seed must be spread!! 😀😀😀

Firstly, I should say that you are indeed a prepared man. But you already know that... And really, it's inspiring. If I do have the choice to be stuch with anyone during an apocalypse or something, it would be you. I can guess the feeling won't be mutual as you'd like a readily prepared individual as well. So, yeah, it's inspiring. You can tell a lot about a man just by the sight of his center console. Yeah, nobody said that...

Secondly, I'd like to ask if you have driven a left-hand drive before, and how it feels in comparism with what you're used to.

I actually just learned that righ-hand drive is the norm there from an Australian series, Glitch.

Have a great weekend, sir.

PS: I would suggest a taser for knucklehead drivers

There are groups, survivalists, who band together and work on preparing for certain things. Each member needs to bring skills: First-aid, electrical, mechanical, food cultivation, hunting, trapping, shooting, defensive and offensive capabilities, navigation and communications...stuff like that. I was asked to get involved with one locally but without knowing the people well it wasn't something I felt inclined to do. I don't mind teaching people what I know, as I often learn new things in the process and I like helping people, but getting lumbered with someone who doesn't know anything in a crisis situation isn't something I'd choose.

I've driven left hand drive vehicles, yes. It's exactly the same although one drives on the opposite side of the road and that can take some getting used to, especially on unfamiliar roads. Once the brain works it out it becomes second nature. Yes, right hand drive is normal here, in the UK, New Zealand, South Africa and other places, parts of Asia and all. Europe and the USA have left hand drive and probably South America also, although I'm not sure about the latter.

So, your suggestion of a taser. It's a good plan but it's illegal to own one here as a general citizen, I'd get arrested...besides, if I get a bazooka I'll not need a taser; the bazooka is a multi-purpose weapon. Lol.

Okay, I am good with electricals. I could be useful in such a group. Besides, I am willing to learn — so I can be more useful. I don't think I would want to be lumbered up someone who doesn't know anything and isn't willing to learn.

I have been driving only left-hand drive since I learned about eight years ago. I didn't even think that there was such a large percentage of countries that use right-hand drive. I thought left-hand drive was the standard. Good to know now...

I guess as long as one is proficient with driving, then one could adapt quickly to the unfamiliar drive. I would just feel weird for a while at first.

the bazooka is a multi-purpose weapon

Hmm...who needs taser when bazooka does wonders? 😅
I wouldn't want to be the knuclehead in your way.

Good morning and Happy Sunday, sir!

Learning is good, and with the concept of preparation (being a prepared person) there is so many ways a person can learn and gain skills. It's not even costly to do, one just needs to have the motivation and responsibility to do so.

I'm going to take my bazooka out for some in-field testing, you know...shooting it at things. I'll do a post, or you might see me on the world news. Either way, it'll be a blast.

I see you are so prepared to whatever may come. I got some blades and needles and thread in my bag too, just in case one needs it.

It doesn't matter if a person isn't fully prepared because a little preparation goes a long way. It seems like you have put some thought to it also, well done.

well a couple of "wardrobe misfunctions" made me do that.

You could live in your vehicle. Now, why doesn't that surprise me!?

The only problem I have is where you stop or end how much you take. You live a different lifestyle than me and you will use more than I ever would. The fact that you can carry all of that amazed me just a little.

I am not sure what you would be able to give up.

I don't like fueling up and until there wasn't a full-serve conveniently located to me, I never used self-serve. Don't judge, I just don't like smelling like that.

My center console isn't that big. I'm doomed, aren't I?

I've got some stuff in there for sure, but there's more in the drawer beneath the fridge/freezer in the back, that's where the tools and recovery gear goes, and other stuff. I think I did a post on it back a while.

I guess it comes down to what a person does. The things in this post all have a practical use and are there for a purpose. A person who's vehicle never leaves the city may not need these things, certainly the radios anyway.

Doomed Swigs? Nah, not at all...Well...maybe a little. (Can one be a little doomed?)

I hope you're having a good weekend my Swigly doomed one. Lol.

That's the thing! I do leave the city and I always thought I was relatively prepared. Not really, as well as I could be.

Yes! One can be a little doomed. I insist... well, that isn't what I mean, but, you know what I mean. :)

I am having a good weekend, busy and cold as an added insult.

It's all good, I have something hot and yummy simmering, so all is not as sad as it could be.

Hi, Galen! Hoping you did something fun this weekend!

Something bit and simmering? Soup or a stew? I love stew. Glad to hear you had a good weekend. Mine was ok, a little pressure here and there but not too bad. Monday morning now. Not loving it. 😵‍💫

Stew! Always good for a chilly day! What happened to my Spring.

Manic Monday. Don't blame you.

Big Dog's console is like a freaking Mary Poppins bag! How do you manage to fit it all in there oh Lord of Tetris? Very organised and lots of useful things in there. I have something similar in my car but I haven't filled it up in yonks. Great prompt.

Big Dog's console is like a freaking Mary Poppins bag!

They call me G-dogopppins.

One must be prepared emma-h, it reduces the chance of being a victim.

Good afternoon @galenkp.

Actually in the pictures I saw things from everyday life, as well as things that are necessary when driving a car. Let's say indispensable, I saw very few things that are not.

Batteries are useful, as well as a knife. You never know when you might need them or the others.

Regarding the bazooka, I had a good laugh, I didn't expect to read that.

Water is indispensable for survival, that idea comes to mind.

I loved the post and the pictures even more.

Best regards @galenkp.

One must have a bazooka, once you've had one you'll wonder why you didn't get one earlier. 😊

Thanks for looking at, and liking, my post.

It's true I should have one of those.

Thank you very much @galenkp 🤗

You are ready for anything that comes around, if it's food your cutleries are there, if you are to use the restroom your tissue paper is available, infact you are much more prepared.
Most importantly is a first aid kit, most people don't know how important it is to have one in thier car.

You are ready for anything that comes around, if it's food your cutleries are there

...and if it's sushi I have chop sticks!

You're right, the first aid kit is critical. That one in my console is a very basic thing, but I have a full-sized one in the back as well.

Yes but at least for the main time you are not totally empty.

The fact that you have something in there to eat is everything to me😄I mean aside getting prepared for any emergencies one should also get an quick meal to eat at least to sustain for a while.
Although I don't have a car, but I always have a quick snacks I can munch on till I get a good meal to eat. Like it's said a hungry man is an angry man😄. And definitely not good for one with diabetes.

Regular eating is important for a diabetic...and for the safety of everyone else because when I get hungry...Well, you summed it up pretty well. Lol.

Typical survival+ ... why have a bug out bag.. when a whole car can do it justice?

Well, I got me some bugout bags in each car and others. One must have bugout bags.

The cutlery set is something I would never expect to see in someone's car 😂 That took me by surprise!

Just out of curiosity, have you ever actually made use of the pen and paper to write down a post idea while you were on a ride? 😄

 2 years ago (edited) 

I am out and about in the wilderness a lot and eating a can of tuna is surprisingly difficult without a fork to dig it out. There's no sushi out there though, so the chopsticks are probably superfluous to my needs.

Nope, never used the pen and paper to write a post idea, I email them to myself. I'm an old-school dude and like having writing implements and something to write on. I'd take stone tablets, chisels and hammer if they'd fit. Worked for Moses.

I'd take stone tablets, chisels and hammer if they'd fit. Worked for Moses.

Fair point! :D

I personally like to open up the notes on my phone and jut down my ideas. Or if I have good network, I will just make a draft on peakd and save it for polishing later.

I am out and about in the wilderness a lot

That makes more sense haha! Yeah if you're out in the wild a lot you're likely to not be around restaurants all the time.

I also use the voice note feature on my phone to take notes for myself; it's quick and easy...but not as fun as carving the note into a stone tablet with a hammer and chisel. Lol.

but not as fun as carving the note into a stone tablet with a hammer and chisel

Yeah, more efficient than talking into a phone I suppose xD

"Getting diesel on the leather inside my vehicle isn't my idea of fun - it stinks."

...'and lastly some toilet paper."


Dammit Man.!!

Why do I feel like I know YOU intimately now.? I feel like we could comfortably hang out in our boxer briefs... 🤣

Diesel Stinks? WTF !?!

I bath in that shit and do not even spit it out when siphoning the tank of the truck 🚛 next to me.!

Real Men Swallow... (said some weirdo somewhere)

Keep on Truckin' Bro. And please. No more hidden storage compartment porn. I have been rearranging my cupboards here in the truck since I read this post...


I wonder if she is going to pump my diesel or maybe she is a proctologist..? -->


Diesel on the leather man, me no likey.

I'm thinking of doing a similar post for the drawer underneath my onboard fridge freezer someday...same concept, different stuff.

Also, if she'd agree to it, I'd not mind her riding shotgun and pumping...diesel.

I see you avoided comment on the boxer briefs... Lmao

Don't blame you. If felt weird just typing it. untitled.gif

Lol...I did huh? Just by accident brah, I was out the front of an appointment, some transport business I wanted to win and was a bit focused. Nevertheless, there's never a bad time to hang about in boxers...It's my normal attire when at home, in just about any weather.

I store a set of tools and not nearly as useful things in the area where my spare wheel resides. Lots of tools. I've never had to to stop, get them out and help a stranded person. I bet if they weren't there, the opportunity would arise very quickly.

Murphey's law huh? That's one of the great dilemmas a four-wheel driver has when planning a trip...What to take, what not to and the stress over knowing it's likely that what isn't taken will be needed It's a sure bet.

The most important bit of spare kit, which is often under rated is a spare set of all external lamps. I've got a replacement globe for my high beams, parking lights, indicators, and brake lights in the spare wheel well, too.

Much more convenient than having to run around to a parts store and grab one when something goes out.

Mind you, I still only drive an itty bitty hatchback.

It made it to Melbourne and Back over New Year without any issues, though :)

Yep, globes are handy to have...but more and more often manufacturers are making so difficult to change most probably wouldn't attempt it.

You still have that car you had that custom plate on?

The very same. It's still got less than 60,000km on the clock. I'm a real homebody. Not to be confused with the term "homeboy".

60K isn't much and if it ain't broke why fix (replace) it?

My thoughts exactly. It will be driven until the maintenance / repair costs annually are >50% of the value of the vehicle.

After it, I have no idea what I'll drive. Still of the conclusion that every vehicle available for sale at the moment is a shitbox. :) (Even my own; if I were to rebuy a "new" example today)

Transport should be functional and not an aspirational accessory package. Sure, there's a lot of fun stuff out there, and a lot of... outrageous stuff out there; but functional.

To me, that would probably be an old school Forester Wagon, AWD, in manual; but they don't make those anymore; and the ones out there are prone to blowing head gaskets.

That's like having a small suitcase packed all the time !

I don't know about batteries and heat and all that.

My console is much smaller and the things in it are mostly extra sunglasses in the bottom and an extra old pair of reading glasses in case I end up somewhere without a pair in my purse and then a seatbelt cutter thingy, hand sanitizer and random bits. I probably should clean that out. I also have a glove compartment in front of the passenger seat that is empty. I could probably put all the extra sun glasses in the glove compartment since my current favorite pair always stays in the little overhead drop down compartment that is made for them.

For real, lets just forget about it. I don't need something else to do. LOL !! That is my answer for a lot of things these days, but at least you made me think about it.

People have different ideas on what they need, or think they need, I guess. It's in my nature to be prepared, even though I know I can't be prepared for everything. I guess the feeling I get from knowing I've taken steps to mitigate possible issues leaves me l more confident and that is a game changer.

I always think, kind or ironically, that if you are well prepared, you will never need it.

I do know that is not universally true, but somehow that is how it seems.

Maybe you just don't always hear about those that find themselves in an odd situation, that are prepared and nothing bad ends up happening, but you do frequently hear about those that found themselves in a bad situation and.... well.... the end of their story wasn't pretty.

I always think, kind or ironically, that if you are well prepared, you will never need it.

Probably quite true, although I like to think that through being prepared one limits the repercussions of whatever comes to pass, or has the chance to do so. Being prepared won't ever stop things from occurring as you know, but when they do one is more able to find a work-around I guess.

Maybe you just don't always hear about those that find themselves in an odd situation, that are prepared and nothing bad ends up happening, but you do frequently hear about those that found themselves in a bad situation and.... well.... the end of their story wasn't pretty.

We tend to hear about the victims and those who solve issues, find work-arounds, are not news-worthy I guess.

I’m looking at a complete emergency kit plus some nice fun handy stuff.

I tell you your car compartment is going to inspire a lot of car owners on here. Even me for my room as I don’t have a car yet.

I like to be prepared so make sure the things I have there are things that will make a difference if and when needed.

You’re indeed prepared!

I used to think that the topics you shared (suggestions) for #weekend-engagement were the topics you wanted to write about if given the chance. Now I see that I was right.

You've got a nice console in there. I was clueless about the word console when you posted suggestions for the #weekend-engagement topic for the weekend, so it's new knowledge for me. And maybe the reason why is because I don't own any of those.

Well, someday we'll get there.

I could potentially write about any of the topics I suggest for the concept, but I rarely do. There's always other things I want to write.

Centre console refers to the area between the two front seats which incorporates the storage area, buttons and knobs, the gear shifter and cup holders, as per the photo, although the cup holders are hidden by the lid I've closed up for a cleaner image.

And you're so quock to respond. No wonder why you're great at writing your thoughts for a blog.

As for me, in my current situation, there are a lot of things that are hindering my time to do what I want but I'm still trying to catch up so I could refocus on other things. But there are days when you just get worn out so things progress at their own pace

I hope you catch up and then get in front as that's when you can start strategizing and applying better focus as you say.

Have a good weekend.

That’s almost the size of a seat for that centre console, is it me or are modern car’s getting massive these days, like a new mini is definitely not a small car.

The Landcruiser has always been big, but you're right, vehicles are getting bigger I think. I haven't seen the new Mini, but the trend is to larger for sure.

I'm already considering a bazooka though, so no need to suggest that one.

No need for suggestions.
You are clear on what you need and what you don't need.
Those drawers are incredibly tidy, it's not common to see that; most people with cars have a lot of crazy stuff that they don't even know what they have in there.
I find it interesting that you answer your own suggestions. 👏

I like to be organised and firmly believe that how I keep my vehicles, my office and home office desks, my workshop and so on, is an indication of how I think, meaning ordered, strategized and prepared.

I rarely do posts on my own #weekend-engagement topics but felt today was the day.

Totally. That speaks very well of you, cleanliness and order above all.
Well, that was the day to answer what's in your glove box.

Lol...that's a hard one to answer...I'm going to say neither. How about average looking and a knucklehead! 🤪

Hahaha you are brilliant. Just the right combination of the two elements

Brilliantly average.

I love the glove compartment of your car, very comfortable and roomy, in mine it is not present and I would really like it!
I'm looking for something that can fit but haven't found anything yet.

However we have a lot in common that we carry in our cars even if I keep everything in a backpack in the hood 😉

A backpack with the right stuff in it works just as well as centre console storage. At least you have the stuff you need!

Yes, my car is always well equipped!😉


Some have a tardis...others are just retarded.

I double checked with AI regarding a fictional scenario about your glove box.
It seems that the real @galenkp is more creative than his fictional self...

"In this fictional scenario, @galenkp had a comically absurd amount of items in his glove box. Among the typical items such as car registration and a spare tire, there were also several unlikely items, including a plastic lobster, a miniature telescope, and a bag of fortune cookies.

As he fumbled around in his glove box, a rubber chicken fell out and onto his lap. He couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Suddenly, he heard a loud honking noise and realized he had accidentally hit the horn with his elbow. He quickly put everything back into the glove box, including the rubber chicken, and drove off with a smile on his face, ready for whatever adventure lay ahead."

I found it peculiar that it went for the tried and true method of a rubber chicken.
Universally, rubber chickens would be one of the least offensive comedic items.
It would be hard to fall foul of the law with such humour.

But it did make me smile. (While always a rubber glove provides a giggle)

That text is AI? If so, there you go, that's how fucken ridiculous AI is.

Waooo what a great storage you have @galenkp because you have a great cart and super cool.

You keep very important things like dental cleaning, toilet paper that can't miss, knife, pens and notebook.

As a woman I think I would put the cologne, paints hehehe and who knows what the guys can put, but I congratulate you are very cautious and it shows. I didn't know you were diabetic, it's good to have candy for you too. Best regards 👋

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I've never been compared to an ant before, I don't mind though, they are hard workers, diligent and persistent. Sounds like me.