A few days ago I announced a little mid-week posting contest asking for people to describe their ideal weekend. I was feeling a little Mondayitis earlier in the week and I figured it would be fun to read a few posts about what people thought would be an ideal weekend and thought to make it a posting contest as well...I didn't count on it being so damned difficult to pick winners though. You can see the original contest announcement post here but remember entries are closed. You can still do a post if you like though.
There were a few entries and, with much difficulty, I narrowed them down to the following three winners. Thanks to all who entered though, your posts were all very good - A big congratulations goes to the three placegetters below. Oh, I had originally had a prize pool of 40 Hive but due to the excellent quality of posts added another 14 Hive for some special mentions.
FIRST 20 HIVE: @tengolotodo
SECOND 15 HIVE: @papacrusher
THIRD 5 HIVE: @sagesigma

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this mid-week contest and I hope those who entered found some value. There were some really excellent posts and I urge you folks to keep pushing hard on your content. Present it well and to the best of your ability, be creative and interesting, proof-read your writing, add in-focus images - preferably your own - and source all stock images with links to where you go it. Oh, and whilst you're at it engage on other people's posts with validity, interest and after having read them. It's the best way to attract people to you and to begin to build relationships.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is my own - Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand
Thank you @galenkp! Congratulations to all who participated especially to @tengolotodo @papacrusher @sagesigma!
You're welcome. Thank you for being involved.
Thanks for that, they are always fun to participate in
Very happy to read the full post from @tengolotodo @papacrusher @sagesigma. Congratulations for all of you on this achievement. For all contestants, we are all champions because we have dedicated narrative stories and facts in our writings. Blessing.
thanks for the your price sir @galenkp
Thanks for that, but as you say, we are all winners for writing!
Yups... because we are not the son of a king and not the son of a great scholar, then write. (AlGhozali). because to be famous the fast way is writing.
Thanks for taking part, I really appreciate it.
you are welcome sir. waiting for next chance.
Congrats to everyone who took part, I think it was a cool topic. I loved the story of travelling around on the Tardis with the Hiveans, it was good fun @tengolotodo, I'm still reading the others.
Thanks @galenkp for the contest and for the mention, it is always appreciated.
Just one day to go everyone, then we're back in the weekend baby!
Stay awesome
One day to go and it's the weekend indeed...And the cool thing is I get to start it well before most - A perk of living in Australia.
Thanks for your involvement and I hope to see an entry for WE86 this week. I think you'll like at least two of the topics.
Thanks Andy, I am wanting the scones from your story, I will add raspberry jam and clotted cream. I love how you meticulously planned it and would not tell them where you were taking them, hehe sneaky with a capital S🤣
Hi Tengolotodo
It would have to be super Sneaky or they'd totally sniff out my cunning plan! Scones with cream and jam are epic, they had to be on the menu!
Have an awesome Thursday and run up to the weekend!
Epic they are. Thanks Andy and have a wonderful weekend :)
I didn't know about it. Couldn't pitch in or anything. Let me know you host a contest for all over the place - too busy to pay attention.
You can't be everywhere so it's all good. This was just a little mid-week thing I decided to do. Seemed appropriate.
Your support is immense and we are blessed to have you. Thank you for all you do and special shout out to the winners. Don't stop...
I'd hoped to see a post from you although I know people get busy doing other things. The WE86 topics come out in about 20 hours from now so maybe I'll see you there. Thanks also for the kind words.
Yes, I am really pained I missed this one but definitely, I would not miss WE86. I look forward to the interesting questions again. Thank you for everything sir.
There's always the WE86 topics set to drop in only...Eight or so hours.
I would attack it with enthusiasm the moment it drops hahahahaha.
Lol, we'll wait until you see the topics. They may not be so easy this week. 🤪
😂😂🤣🤣😂😂 that would be a real bummer but I will try...hahaha
weeee I can see my two friends on that list!!! congrats @tengolotodo and @coquicoin and to all the winners! you guys deserve it :D
Well, pretty much everyone deserved it although there could be only three place-getters. Well done to all.
yep... but there's always the best one of course :) but yes everyone deserved it.. checking their stories now :)
Of course, no everyone can win.
aww thank your @Eylz619 it was a fun one :)
Thank you, amiga! I'm still smiling at Ed's post. 🤗
Congratulations to all the winners!
Have a blast folks!
Congratulations to all the winners
Yay for everyone who joined in!
Whoohoo! Well done everyone and what a great extra bonus prize surprize! Well deserved top 3. I enjoyed reading them all. Great concept and much-appreciated galenkp :)
You're welcome and thank you in return for being involved.
Congratulations🎉 to all winners and other mentions🎉Oh wow! Thanks for the mention @galenkp!:)
You're welcome, I'm glad you joined in!
Oh wow, thanks for that @galenkp and thank you for all the effort you put into your challenges, they are superb and always make people think. I love your tips too, I love to engage and am away to read some of the entries that I have not previously read!
A big shout out to everyone who participated, there were some amazing weekend adventures.
You're welcome. Thanks for being involved and putting together such a great post.
No worries, it grew arms and legs!
This space is always bubbling with activities, thanks to the moderation and founder if this great initiative.
Looking forward to the #weekend-engagement announcement.
Thanks mate...And look out for the WE86 topics in under 24 hours...Only three topic prompts but all three are different and I htink could make for interesting posts...Bring your imagination.
I haven't had a good weekend this week, congratulations to the winners! 💗
I hope this weekend is better for you.
Glad to hear encouragement from you to have a good weekend, I am even more excited to look forward to that day coming to me soon, thanks you sir @galenkp 😀
Life isn't always as we like it, but what matters most is that we know that and make the necessary changes to shape it into what it is we want. 😊
Oh I missed this. Congratulations to the winners and I am excited about tomorrow. Hoping to get lucky.
There's always tough competition and I like to keep the standard high...Let's see how you go with the WE86 topics this weekend.
I understand sir. I am ready to push higher this time. I look forward to it and I hope the questions would be kind to me 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. I love the questions
Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for the mention and for the challenge. You have created a wonderful space in The Weekend community to share and have fun! See you around :)
I really appreciate you being involved when you can and your posts are always top notch as well. Thank for your kind words and I'll see you around soon huh? :)
It is my pleasure to be involved and thank you:) And will be soon for sure!
I think is night there, so have a good night!
Thank you @galenkp - good stuff @tengolotodo ! I should have taken the Tardis back to the veggie human exhibit!
You're welcome.
hehe thank you!
Wow, how very awesome to be included with such talented writers! I have no idea how you were able to narrow it down and make a decision. Thank you also for the amazing initiative and getting people writing outside their comfort zone!
It was hard to find clear winners and in the end I decided to take the several posts and let my cat Cleo decide...Ok, not really. It was difficult though. I just went with the ones than made me feel something. It was very difficult though.
The our of the comfort zone thing is my goal. Wait until you see the WE86 topics in several hours. 😈😉
lol would probably make better life decisions than I did over the years lololol
Looking forward to the WE topic this week!