A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars, seems to me a very beautiful way to describe the simplicity in life I seek. As a simple complicated man that seeks simplicity in life, easy-moments, clarity and a central place from which to just simply be it speaks to me; the entire quote above does in fact. Add in that special one, you know, the one whose eyes see right inside, and I think I'd be very content right about now.
Today I found some of those simple moments; my hands in the earth, sunshine warming my back and fresh air in my lungs - Beautiful moments? Hmm, lets just say calming, soothing and deeply satisfying. Working with my hands does that to me, satisfies me, and no matter what they happen to be touching they do so with passion.
I had a list of chores I'd set myself this Sunday and first was finish the raised garden beds. I'm looking forward to getting started with planting them out with some vegetables but getting the soil in and ready has to happen first so I deployed on mission buy-soil this morning with the intention of nothing getting in the way of the plan.

I saddled up the Big Dog and headed out to one of the best garden nurseries my State has to offer, Virginia Home Garden, which isn't too far away from home. I had my trailer hooked up and as the Big Dog stretched it's twin-turbo V8-powered legs I felt good about the mission, and the day ahead.
I had a chat with one of the chaps out there, a Saffer from Johannesburg, and between us we decided on the right way to go. I purchased 30x 25L bags of garden soil, 6x 25L bags of chicken manure and 2x 70L bags of organic mulch. $221AUD and a little bit of effort loading them up later and I was on my way. To this I'll add some worms and condition with Seasol, a seaweed solution, and before long - Veggies everywhere! Mission success: Soil acquired.
Big Dog carried me home and gardenisationing began.
The actual gardenisationing wasn't all that complicated, I'll admit. Take soil from trailer, put in VegePods, mix in other goodies, add worms and done. It was enjoyable though, in a I'll be eating my own veggies soon sort of way. It made all that lifting easier to accept. No I'm not a girly-man, I just have some back issues now and then and at the moment it's a now-moment; I'm in a lot of pain right now but nothing pills can't deal with. I guess a life of doing all those things I probably should not have done hasn't helped the back thing - I executed the mission nonetheless - I'm not one to let much get in the way when I want something or something to happen.

I decided to mix some worms into the actual soil along with the chicken manure and with the addition of the Seasol mixture my veggies should have most of what they need. I'll tweak it as I go and as crops fail or succeed - That's just part of the enjoyment factor.
I'm not expecting to eliminate the need to shop for vegetables, these VegePods only give me four square metres of garden after all; I'm expecting satisfaction through growing a thing or two and some enjoyment in the process however.
It's been a good little journey so far and I'm getting close to planting the beds out although I want to plumb-in the two sprinkler systems so I only need to turn on the tap once before I do plant out. I've got the stuff to do so but I think I'll get that done tomorrow after work. I might even get some plants too! The really exciting part!

So, my Sunday is winding down right now, at least the outdoor aspect is.
I had a great day doing stuff out there today though and moved operation veggie garden forward. I'm really happy with these VegePods so far and hope they live up to their reputation. I did a post about putting them together last week so if you want to take a look at the VegePods post follow that link back there. 👈
I hope ya'll have had a great weekend so far and you get something productive done...Or just laze around and relax Just do it with passion folks - No reason not to.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
All images are my own.
Some of today's tracks:
Good way to spend a day 🙃
Did you say what you planted? Am I blind?
Yeah it was a good day indeed. My back doesn't agree, but the rest of me took a vote and majority rules.
The nature of the plants that will be plantificated will be revealed in another post.
You are not.
Wow, a really great job bro. You reminded me of my stay in Penrith back in 2011 when we had very little place for veggies. So we had some parts of our back and frontyards converted into a mini garden with the help of the wooden partitions everything coming from Bunning. That's a lot of fun when one gets his own spinach and tomatoes from his own garden.
My plan is to grow the biggest carrot ever and enter it in the local fair and walk away with the biggest carrot award and dominate all the old folks who entered. I can hear their wails of lamentation already.
I'm also hoping it all works as I've spent a lot of money. LOL
The way you're doing it, the goal isn't far away. My best wishes.
Very cool. My son has a heap of those 'Little Gardens' things from Woolworths, but we can never seem to get them from seedlings to small plants, to, fruit/vegetable growing plants. Really annoying.
May you have much better luck with yours.
Well, it's either going to work Steve, or...Well, you know.
Aesome cover pic. See the phone in the reflection on the shades and everything.
Those vegepods are top notch, I really must see if I can get worms from somewhere. I think my garden suffers from a lack of em. I have rarely seen any even whendigging and all that jazz
Bloody hell, can't see my phone number on the screen right? Hope not. Titans complimenting Titans...Nice work.
These pod things are good. I hope they live up to expectation.
Lol. That works be a disaster of you doxxed yourself!!
Titans complimenting Titan's, it's the Titanic thing to do! :0D
G-dog: Hey, you doxxed yourself.
Also G-dog: Fucken wanker!
Titans know how to titanically Titan.
And #titanism shall be how Titan's roll!
Awesome raised garden set-up hope it work well.
If they don't work I'm going to wire them up with some C4 and blow them into oblivion. I'll video it and do a post.
Please. Even if they do work, wire them with C4 and do a post! But let me know before you do... I'll be around with some beers and a bag of popcorn.
Actually, wire anything with C4 and I'll be there!
So good.
O i now wish they don't work out for you one bit🤣😉
You and many others mate, and who can blame anyone for that? I actually hope they work out but then...C4 dude.
This looks great. All the best with your garden.
Thanks mate. I'm hoping to grow a pumpkin so big I can live in it!
I busted out laughing (aka chuckled to myself) when I read your comment but then the thought occurred to me that you may be serious. Are you going for a Guinness world record?
Haha. Ok, no I'm not serious. I am Australian so dry humour and sarcasm come naturally. Some don't realise I'm not always serious, some do. All good mate.
Haha. Enjoy the process and good luck growing that Cinderella Carriage.
I look forward to seeing the photos as the seeds sprout.
Should be good...If it works.
So much passion and feelings of joy...Even I love doing it, and my doctor also advised not to do because of back problem, but I feel the joy of doing this overtakes the pain. As you said in your previous post, the joy of eating your own grown food is different. Also, the taste is much better when you consume it firm fresh. The VegePods are superb, we don't get this quality here. The best part is it recycles water and nutrients back to the roots, so you do not loose any of the nutrients. The seaweed works pretty well, I usually spray it on leaves along with putting on the soil.
That seaweed stuff certainly helps to boost growth. I've been using Seasol for a long time now and always had good results.
Ooh getting super exciting now! Spring is around the corner so I reckon you'll have enough time to choose out exactly what you'd like to plant. You'd be well amazed what you can get out of 4msq - especially if you decide to add a vertical element to the planting beds.
Yes, you can totally see your phone number in the reflection Galen.
I had a good chuckle at the C4 get together if they don't work, although I have a funny suspicion the clean up afterwards will suck, worm bits everywhere and stuff, yuck.
Good luck with the plumbing in and give your poor back a rest please!
There's quite a bit of height in the VegePods so I'll see what I can make happen. Maybe some sort of raised frame to train things up and over? It's all about fun so I'll experiment.
This explains why I've got 37,000 phone calls in the last 12 hours.
The clean up after a C4 explosionerising is best done with more C4.
Grazie, mi prenderò cura di me stesso.
Oh my word this made me laugh! I was wondering trolling you was a good idea, totally worth it :) "Explosioinerising"? This is a new one. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue, I could see this being a tongue tripper word in future.
Yes, give the verticals a go, I'm sure it will add to the selection of what you can grow.
Dannatamente vero che lo farai
PS. Lory is looking for a teleporter today. She's given up on catching the flamingoes 😆
And now you need wonder no more. Legit worth it!
Di certo.
If Lore finds a teleporter let me know, I have a use for it. I'll pay. Also...Flamingoes can be difficult to catch, much like unicorns.
Yes, Unicorns and Flamingoes. Flamingoes are also sneaky bastards when it comes to croquet.
I will make sure to let you know :)
Have a good one.
That's a line I didn't think I'd read in my lifetime. 😁
Have a cracker yourself A.
Hahaha I'm just a nutcase, don't mind me :)
Well look at you look at you...G stands for Gardener...who would have known. By the way, I wish you the "biggest carrot" award. Men are always up for a nice carrot competition.
This comment has been brought to you by: #equalsexism 😂
Lol, and the Big Carrot award of 2021 goes to...
Here is an inspirational pumpkin I captured on a farmers market ;)

I'm so inspired. My pumpkin will be bigger though I think, and more pleasing on the eye!
I hope your garden works out, it's already taking shape.
It's getting there slowly. I'll have a look tonight when I get home...See if, over the day, they're all grown up! (Probably won't be.)
Can I have roof of THE PURPLE DRESS please
Congrats with your niece
Smallsteps looks better in purple unicorn dresses than I ever will. Maybe one day if I lose my mind and go completely mad I'll pull one on and post some pictures though.