Featured content - Weekend-Engagement: Week 240

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself..

- D. H. Lawrence -


WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community. The topics are released each Friday, new ones in five days y'all, and content creators have all weekend to post in response to those topics I set.I'm here to wrap up the #weekend-engagement writing concept as featured in my

The topics are released each Friday so there's new ones in five days y'all, and content creators have all weekend to post in response to those topics I set.

The #weekend-engagement concept is designed to help users with writing topics, to challenge their thinking and creativity and to promote great quality posting over the weekend. I also urge participants to engage with others as it's a great way to build relationships which is important to ongoing success and enjoyment on the blockchain...and it's more fun too.


- Բ∈Ꭿ𝜏υᖇ∈ᖙ ⊂ᗝﬡ𝜏∈ﬡ𝜏 -

Content by @triplug

Content by @nsigo1

Content by @dahpilot

Content by @bertrayo

Content by @brujita18

Content by @becca-mac

Content by @new.things

Content by @liseth.zamora

Content by @littlesorceress

Content by @trucklife-family


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You can post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community any day of the week but ensure your content is strongly weekend-related. This means your content should be about Saturday and Sunday and be experience-focused using photographs you took yourself.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Images(s) in this post are my own


Looks like you will be eating well. Hope all is going smoothly in the new year for you, your gal, and Cleo.

All good here, hopefully you're going ok as well. Good to hear from you.

I've got my wobbly moments, but doing better. Good to be back at it.

We all do mate, as long as there's some steady ones and you enjoy them. Keep pushing.

It was great to read about weekend experiences, in nature, working, special weekends. Congratulations to all the outstanding entries.

I hope you had a very good weekend Galen and also a very good start of the week.... Friday is just a few days away! Hugs!

Bring on Friday Saturday!

Yes please!!!

Congratulations to all the participants, the truth is that people like and enjoy being part of this project.

I have never tasted venison, they say it is very delicate and special, it must be because of its texture...I would love one day to be able to roast it in an oven or casserole...but, maybe it will take a while to do so because only certain people of higher level can eat it in my country.

Have a great week.

It's pretty good, has to be cooked right, not too long. Give it a try if you get the chance. I'll be out shooting tonight actually, hopefully I get another deer, the freezer is a little short in venison.

I'll give you a good order then, although I guess it will be difficult to ship it when it's time to go through customs...😅

Good luck.

Yeah, they'll steal it and put it on the BBQ.



Thank you dear @galenkp for the selection and support, it is a great way to encourage us to write, and I admire that you have a variety of new topics every weekend. Have a great week! ✨

No worries, thanks for joining in.

Thank you very much @galenkp, a pleasant surprise to be here again.

You're welcome.

Thank you very much 🙏🏼
It's great to be on the featured list

No worries.

Damn, that's how the Bambi movie starts. 🤣

I ate venison once. It was tasty. But it's isn't a very common thing near the coast.

Yep, it's pretty tasty.

Thanks, best regards!


what a nice weekend experience

For sure.

The deer is not ok and safe...I shot and killed it then cut it up and took the venison home; it ended up on my BBQ. It was tasty.