Before anyone else [BAE] - A posting contest - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


One hundred and fifty hive in prizes

In conjunction with South African artist EGGSTA I'm running a posting contest around the theme of her new song release called BAE - before anyone else. It refers to one's significant other: Girlfriend, boyfriend, life-partner, husband, wife, best friend - Basically the one you put before anyone else. You can find EGGSTA's track here on YouTube, a smooth, funky and uplifting song featuring Lee Cole.

150 hive prize pool

The prize pool is funded by @edenmichelle (EGGSTA), @tarazkp and @galenkp. I'll be doing the judging with help from Eden and our decisions on the winners will be final.

🎵 100 hive - 50% 1st place, 30% for 2nd and 20% for 3rd place

🎵 50 hive - Split between a few notable mentions

Post topic: Special moments with BAE

Post about:

  • A special date or moment you have had, or would like to have
  • How you met your BAE, where and when
  • A marriage proposal made or received (yours or someone else's.)
  • The place or moment you both felt most happy
  • Tell us about a past relationship or someone you miss
  • Post about a favourite holiday or vacation with your BAE
  • Write about relationships you observe, respect or take inspiration from
  • Your parents relationship, friends or other family members
  • Fictional writing is welcomed around the BAE topic as above
  • Be creative around the topic, it's your post so have some fun

Follow these guidelines for eligibility

Minimum of 200 words in English
Must be posted in THE WEEKEND community to be eligible (not cross-posted)
✅ Tag your post #BAE as your first tag please
✅ Original work only - no plagiarising text or images
✅ Contest runs from now to Tuesday 14 Sept 01:00 UTC

Read the guidelines above to ensure your entry is eligible

If you have any questions ask me below in the comments

Eden, aka EGGSTA, is a hard-working singer/song-writer, musician, producer and DJ and has a lot in the pipeline right now, more new tracks on the way and some great collaborations so get behind this hive-user and throw a little support her way.

Instagram: @eggstamusic

More of EGGSTA's music

Pull me out . Broken ones . Break . You & I - acoustic . What would you do for love (Nervo cover - Acoustic) . Predator . You & I - Original version

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

original image source

Join THE WEEKEND community


Hi, I'll try to tell a story for you haha, but will it be a secret?
or will I appear in a pink press publication? ha ha
Happy Tuesday

Your entry will be a total secret; you, me and the rest of the blockchain will ever see it. 😀

Have a great day!

I'll not breathe a word of it, beauty! Whidper to me!
Besos 💖

In Spain, the gossip and secrets of celebrities that appear on television are called pink press (pink for loves, lovers and romps with other people, who make the gossip of normal people lol

I'm on it. I have seven days. I can do this. :) Good luck, everyone!

Yay! I was hoping you'd take part. Thanks for the reblog also Denise, it's greatly appreciated.

Well, this one will be fun and I know I have a few free hours this week! ;)

I'm glad you like the topic; I'm looking forward to some good entries.

I actually expect this one to go exceptionally well. Who doesn't have a story? I am looking forward to this one myself.

We also need a garden update soon. I can hardly wait to see how your garden grows, Mary, Mary, don't be contrary.


Yeah I hope so, I tried to make it nice and broad.

Garden post upcoming...Stay tuned.

I am giving a written post a go...

Not using a Giphy is gonna kill me. LoL

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Gonna be hard to beat that cross country trip story with that AssHatMan...

Curiosity and Cats. They go together like peas and carrots Ginny @nineclaws ... LoL



Oh and I can hardly wait to give these a read! I've seen you stretching ways that I thought were impossible. Just saying.

9 be like...



 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I'll be watching~ !!😳

Don't be such an overachiever! I have yet to start and when I do I'll be happy if I get 200 words.

Here is my entry - it is also my first post on HIVE

Thanks for your entry. 😀

This will be a fun contest @galenkp! And thanks for featuring this beautiful song by @edenmichelle-
It is delightful!

Thanks Melinda, I hope a few get involved for the fun-factor. A decent prize pool too.

I predict lots of entries!

Hmm maybe, we'll see. I hope there's a few.

Interesting topic and posting suggestions Galen.
I'm looking forward to reading some of the stories :)
The song has a very Latino sound, nice!

You should write one Camille.

I'm shy!

Camille, I once read a post if yours that was quite open and direct. I commented on it. So...Shy? Maybe, but willing to open up and share? That too. You might recall the one I mean from a while back. You were candid.

That was last year!
I was young and foolish!
I'm older and wiser now, and SHY🤣

Lol...You remember the one then. It's gone down in the annals of blockchain history.

LOL! I try not to be that candid anymore! I erase those drafts and write "sober" things.

When I find the right platform, I'll post those topics anonymously.

Mmhm, so many possibilities. Got to think… and check calendar for time to write.

Hope you didn’t miss me! Of course, you didn’t, you know how to keep yourself busy 😸.

Seriously, I hope you’re doing well.

Hope you didn’t miss me!

Of course I missed you!

I'm fine, nothing really changes there for me; I hope you're well also. I look forward to seeing your entry. (If you choose to do so of course.)

Now I did miss this, culprit is @dandays calling attention to what you up to!

Well deserved added attention to @edenmichelle with her talented song BAE 😄

Don't miss this Joan - and let your South African friends know about it - easy competition

Will share and good luck with launch.

Thank you Joan for the support

Most are on apps to receive direct in all the cities here, so younger generation have all received a personal invite 😁 have a fun time, great to see you rocking it!

Thanks Joan - happy to report that I went onto Top 40 last Saturday on KFM and this Saturday morning I had jumped 6 places to #31 - Thanks for spreading the word on the Radisson give-away prize

Great music, hope the young generation get to listen to it and support your work, nice prize for those who enter.

You missed it? It's had 44 reblogs, I thought everyone must have seen it by now. Lol.

Well now you know.... put the glasses on 😎 shared and shared and yes shared.!

Thanks for the share Joan. I see that you share some of my posts now and then and I appreciate it every time. 😊

Younger generation in family must think what the crazy old bat is sending them PM for now.... 😁 yeah make sure they see it!



Get on it June. :)

(If you would like. That wasn't a command.) 😉


A salute like that might come with ramifications...It works here though. Lol.


June at the playground this morning.


You know it.

See, you can teach an old G-dog new tricks.

I'm chalking it up to about a 24-pack of reblogs is why I would've missed this if Melinda didn't mention it in her article. Smooth moves her, gives me an idea for all future contests.

Is it plagiarism if it's my own content? Is that shitty to repeat content you released three years ago? I wrote a rhyme how we met, years between, all the way up to the night she said yes.

I probably shouldn't. Such an easy topic. Your contest is three years late dammit!

I'd like to hear the poem - and three years is a long time ago. Many new people on the platform too.


Does that mean we'll see the poem?

I will try to link it creatively rather than a copy/paste.


That's the way to do it

Atta boy!!!

Not enough stories being written - too many looking for wiggle room?

You would have missed it? I think not.

That's funny! Touché. I mean I would've seen it sooner.

...or when I dropped the link in our Discord chat. Lol.

Linking it is the only way. Burning it or refusing award wouldn't work.

I gotta try think of a creative way to link it.

I hate those. I know hate's extreme and frowned upon in whatever year we're on but I hate opening sentences. I wouldn't hate them if they came to me immediately but they make me work for them. And work.

And work. And work again. Work more. Some more. More. Rearrange Reword it, shorten it, punctuation, too; commas, parenthesis, etc. Opening sentences kick my ass. <-- See? If I could just figure out how to say that first I'd save a lot of angst but they make me work for them.

Depending what day it is, titles are worse, equally as tough or close enough. I'm an equal opportunity title/opening sentence hater.

They're supposed to come make our connection work again today so that's exciting. I'll be all like 21st century again okkaaay.

Here's your reminder. I really like your idea a lot but upon reading this comment it just :clicked:

They should all have the same title!

Hmm cracks knuckles and puts thinking cap on. I can do this . Hold my beer!

Held - now let's hear your story @scubahead - with a handle like yours its sure to be an interesting story

Might as well mate, you will have a good story based on what I already know.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I have some lovely Plum Ported calling my name!


Hey there! I thought about sharing hubby's and my story because obviously, he is my BAE, but then thought to turn it into a short story (part I)
Hope it meets the theme 🤗

BTW - nice tunes EGGSTA, EdenMichelle!

It meets the theme and is very good indeed. Thanks for getting involved, I really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading my writing 😊

Of course, not just reading by judging. (not being judgemental, I have to judge, it's a competition!) Lol.

A great piece and very nicely constructed.

Yeah, I know it's a competition. But I don't enter your (or for that matter anyone else's competition) because there are $ to win, but because I knew I was going to have fun putting this together and hopefully 1 or 2 people actually read it, too and it made them smile a little.

Thank you for your kind words about my writing. Not being a writer I appreciate it a lot.

Yep, it's about the participation. I rarely enter contests on hive and when I do it's in support of it, not to win it. Like you. I appreciate it greatly you know, and your post is so heartwarming. So, danke.

P.s. I had a pen pal when I was in Primary school. Didn't marry her though. Your post made me think of it. Can't recall where she was from. Canadamadia? (I love spelling that countries' name wrong for some reason.) It was a school project thing. I think she was disappointed to get the kid with the funny name. Oh well, too bad her her.

Gern geschehen🙂.

It used to drive me crazy when I posted on my website's blog, this was back when I was still blogging there a lot and participating in 'blogging memes', I would put a lot of effort into the post, comment on other people's blogs, but there was zero reciprocation, no replying to posts or comments on their posts, nothing. I just kept wondering 'why do you people actually blog, ask questions, etc. when you are not interacting with your audience?'

Oh well - people... lowering expectations helps.

Pen-friends used to be a thing, not so much anymore with everything and everyone being connected in real-time. I'd say it was her loss to judge on a name.

Sounds good, I will definitely post about my experience and a real one at that! haha, gonna be fun and kinda 'personal secrets out' :)

Oh that's great! I'm pleased you'll get involved. Should be a bit of fun.

Cool, I see it there in the community. Thanks for entering.

My pleasure :)

Haha, and you know, I love that when I manage "Peek a boo" inside a vault and count the treasure :)

Everything gives you something to learn, dark or bright. Dark ones keep you away from evil and the brighter ones motivate you to do something positive, cheers!

Now here begins the role of our wisdom and mindset. I know people do mistakes but one mistake is enough to make them wiser, isn't it? One has to learn to know the difference between cuckoo and the crow :)

You seem to have something for us South Africans mate.
BAE to you.

I like people who help themselves and feel happy to support them.

Yep, You certainly know what life is all about.

Nice music!!
Does she perform live here in South Africa? (Pretoria area)

I'll be interviewed on radio stations and I'm performing at Fame Week in Cape Town in October. Thanks for the support @rynow

You are welcome

Hmm, I'm not sure where EGGSTA (Eden) is performing although I believe a tour is in the pipeline.

This contest sounds interesting, I'm going to see what I do to participate, greetings

Thanks, you should have a go.

This is certainly an interesting topic. We have lots of things to talk about, I wonder which one will end up being the one I write about lol

I was hoping you'd see this as I think you'd have many nice moments with Siena to draw from.

Yeah I could go many ways with that! I have an idea, I just want to make sure it aligns with the criteria requested lol.

Will she be using some of the stuff for song material? That would be kind of cool lol

Will she be using some of the stuff for song material?

@edenmichelle is certainly looking forward to reading the entries and has told me she's hoping to find inspiration.

Yes, I'm really en.joying the stories - thank you so much for hosting this contest

My pleasure.

It was a great idea.

If you're taking suggestions, the one she doesn't know about.

Some spicy contest in the brewing!

Nothing wrong with a little spice. :)

I have a question sir. Can we write about someone who has already passed away from this world?

Hi there Amber, yes you can, as long as it's someone significant to you, someone you put before anyone else.

Thanks @galenkp . Yes, it is about a significant other. Someone whom I love the most. Someone who has ever been my ideal. Even writing this short message about him filled my eyes with tears.

I am sorry you're feeling so emotional about this man and look forward to reading it.

Thanks for getting involved.

Thank you sir. I will soon be writing ☺

Great, I look forward to it.

Thanks for your entry, it looks great!

Hmm this should be interesting

Should be indeed.

Thanks for your entry, I went over for a look. It's great.

Hi, is this acceptable for the contest? Thanks so much for running this :)


 3 years ago (edited) 

I was looking for it in THE WEEKEND community but couldn't see it. Then I realised you didn't post it in the community at all.

These contests are for community promotion as much as giving free hive to people and promoting good posts. Your not the only one to have missed that dot point unfortunately.

Screenshot_20210909-073428_Samsung Internet.jpg

I thought it was in there? I used Ecency to post it, will edit in Peakd :) Is it ok otherwise?

For the sake of fairness to all entrants I'm only judging posts that have been posted into the community as with all my other community-oriented posts. So, when I do the judging I'll go to THE WEEKEND community and look for posts with the #bae tag that meet all the other dot-pointed criteria and only judge those that meet them. It's too messy otherwise.

There's no way to get your post into THE WEEKEND now unless you cross post it and that's not accepted as an entry anyway. This is why I was very clear with the guidelines on the announcement post. Others have made the same error also, on this contest and others.

I realized what it was - the tab stopped responding so I refreshed and the post was still there, but apparently it didn't keep the community. Everything happens for a reason :)

I could use this as a first draft, and get suggestions from others on how to polish it up, then submit my improved version? Like we did for the Inkwell writing workshop contest ♥️

Sorry about this

Don't be sorry, things like this happen.

Just be a little bit careful of reposting the same content with a few word changes here and there though.

Would it not be allowed to post the edited version? I guess I could just do a part two instead :) ... Old Jim did want to go back to sleep didn't he 😂


You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Great contest idea! I like the positivity of it; it's a nice, uplifting idea.

Just a bit of fun really, and I thought a topic that most could relate to.

Great contest idea! I love it. I already joined the Weekend community (I hadn't heard of it until your other post about it). So even if I don't get my entry in time (I'm working on a mega skincare guide), I'm happy to be a part of a new community. I love your community outreach! It's so positive, kind, and loving!

“Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.” ~Jodi Picoul

You're welcome. Just make sure the. Intent is weekend related as per the guidelines. I enforce that. There's other communities where a skin care guide is appropriate, not THE WEEKEND.

lol I wouldn't dream of posting my skincare guide in the weekend. 😉❤️

Ah ok, I wasn't sure. Thought I'd say. ☺️

Gosh I'm not sure there's anything about our relationship I haven't already posted on the chain....


Hi @galenkp, here is my entry for this lovely contest :

Ah yes, I saw it, thank you.

Finally got it right :)

Actually this one seems to fit the theme better too :)

Yeah, this one is much better suited. Thanks for taking the time.

Thanks so much for the help, and the great contest :)

No worries mate. I began working on the next today. But that's a couple weeks away. Thanks for getting involved.

What will the next one be???

It was my honor :) In the near future I'm going to be hosting my first Hive contest. It's time to pay forward the kindness of a lot of Bees!

Time will reveal all. 😊

lol that's not fair!!! I'm being very patient 😁


You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

We really need this positive energy in these days. Great contest idea! 😃

Thank you, I appreciate you saying so.

Here is my entry to the contest:
Thanks for your great contest idea 😍

Yeah, I saw it an hour ago.

Hi, Here is my entry 😀 cheers from Indonesia

Link Post

I saw it already, thanks. And have a good weekend.

Please see below for my entry. Thank you so much for creating this contest @galenkp. Now I am off to go skiing. Have a great weekend.

I saw it already, thanks.

Thank you :)

Oh I like this! Made this post about our not so ordinary road to love:

Oh yeah, I saw that. A most excellent post.

Hello, Mr. @galenkp!🤗
Here is my entry to the contest.😀


Hope you like it!😍

Great entry!

Thanks, I saw it. Great entry.

Hello, I wish you have a good day 🙂
Here this is my entry for the contest.


Thanks for entering. :)

Below is the link to my entry for the contest

I saw it, thank you. 😊

Well, this took me forever and I may be late to the game, but I did it!! Here's my post:

Top notch post mate. Really!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you Nine! (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)

I'm not sure what you mean to be honest, but thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.

✅ Ok
✅ Fair call
✅ Didn't understand what you were getting at
✅ However that's ok
✅ We're all able to comment as we like
✅ Create content as we like
✅ It doesn't always need to make sense to others

Thanks for the tag, I didn't know there was a contest!

Thanks a lot! Good thing I made my entry yesterday! 😄