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RE: A beautiful wedding at a beautiful location

The wedding is amongst the most important stages of life and getting to celebrate it in a memorable and beautiful location is definitely a must to.

In 2 weeks I'll go to the wedding of one of my friends and from what I understood she picked a pretty bad location with bad food too just for the sake of saving some money since both her and her soon to become husband never had a lot of money.

However, thinking that is such an important step in a person's life, I'll never understand why to do it in a place like that instead of saving some more time and have a blast at one of these beautiful locations. So I'm happy to see this is not happening over there because it's how I'd do it too if it was my case as well :)


I hope your friend's wedding will still turn out fine despite the location and food, as she will have all her friends celebrating with her. To be honest the food here wasn't that great, we had roast pork, and the best bit which is the crackling, was really hard and most of us couldn't eat it at all.

It's a bit difficult when you are short of cash which is the case with many youngsters nowadays, so it's a tough decision to make on where to focus the budget, on the venue, food, dress, honeymoon, or even the new home instead of the wedding. Hopefully, you can have your dream wedding when the day comes!!! And don't forget to share your happiness with us!!!

Absolutely! I'm that kind of person who prefers to have maximum 10 people around her on that special moment and invest more into a beautiful location to remember forever. So if the chain will still be here when I make that step, I'll definitely share the moment!

Of course the chain will be here!! Or at least the people will, in another virtual space if it came to that again 💪