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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

Oh, let's see - What was your first passion or something that you enjoyed doing long time ago but that you haven't done in a while?

As for me, something that probably very few guys notice and know about is that I have a twin sister :D


Twin evil sisters! Lol...Just kidding, she's probably not as evil as you.

Ok, so this is a bit of a harder one for me...First passion...So Faith, my wife, was my first real passion as we met so young, 33 years ago, she was almost 16 and I was 17 and a half. We've been together ever since and whilst we've had some really hard times we've remained in love and strong as a couple. (Everyone has hard times, life is like that).

So, we enjoyed the simplicity of our lives as late teens, early to mid twenties etc. But things get complicated sometimes, the world and society changes, we change and pressure mounts...We still have a good life, but it's far from the simple life of our early days...

That's what I'd like to get back to and do more...A simple life.

This probably all sounds pretty silly to you, but as a 50 year old I yearn for those moments we shared where we seemingly had no cares in the world except each other. This is why we spend as much time as we can living experiences together now...You know?

Good question though.

And you? I know you're quite young, but is there something you were/are passionate about but haven't engaged with lately?


Haha, we both have our evil moments of glory lol

As for your answer, that's a smart one! I haven't seen this coming but actually think about maybe what the career you dreamed about is, or something like that, my bad!

But I have to agree with you, I think there is nothing purer than falling in love with someone when you are young and evolve and get through all the phases of life together. Seeing each other grow up and face different thresholds of life is really a cool thing. In this way, you will have no doubts about your pick and the person you have next to you every morning.

And you? I know you're quite young, but is there something you were/are passionate about but haven't engaged with lately?

If I have to answer technical then I would say drawing. I really loved doing this since I was just 4 years old and had a great evolution pretty fast but unfortunately had to give up on this since the artists don't really have any chance in my country, and this is the reason why I was also not supported by any members of my family.

But if I have to reply to the same subject you opened up the discussion, then I completely feel you. Don't know how young I look like (my birthday was on Tuesday so I feel kind of older now, lol), but I have a similar experience. Actually it started as one of the purest and more amazing friendships I never dreamed about since I was only 14 years old and we already have almost 2 years since we declared our feelings and realized we can take this to the next level.

Just as I said, it's really amazing to see each another grow up and get through different phases of life, from the simple life away from any worries to the one where things are getting harder and more challenges appear :)

career you dreamed about is

Always wanted to be a fireman...I like helping people. It never happened though, life just got in the way I guess, I went in other directions.

Happy birthday for Tuesday...Don't worry, you're not old...When you catch up to me you will be though. :)

My dad was a great artist, made a living from it. It is hard though. The thing is that you can draw anytime, for yourself. I think you should because if you feel passionate about it then you clearly get some reward, maybe not financial, but emotional. That's worth doing.

Well done on your relationship also...Strong relationships are hard to develop these days, so fight for it if you have to.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, wise words and great advices! They were well needed :)

I'm not a big fan of birthdays, my own I mean, as I don't like being the centre of attention but other people's...If cake is involved, I'm all in. :)

Same here. That's why I always hold my birthday in nature with some friends and family, exploring the surroundings and sleeping in the tents :D

Most likely a happy day when we all gather together rather than a birthday lol

Dream passion would be to work in the field of nature ,wildlife and marine conservation. Id live nothing more than to live in the tropics swimming the reefs and conserving them.

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I knew that! I've seen photos and videos of Gabriela and her sister AND BOTH WERE WEARING SHOES.

@Galenkp: At the risk of being too subtle for you, ask her about the shoes. I know the answer...

Haha, what an uncommon thing to see both of us wearing boots, right? lol

I miss fly fishing. It had to go for a physical reason. I would fish whenever I could all over the Pacific Northwest. I tied my own bugs when I wasn't fishing I was thinking about fishing. I see a picture of a river today and imagine how I would attack that water. There are a couple of places that are tied to my fishing that I need to see again before I die. They are so much a part of who I am....

Sounds like a cool thing. I can feel the nostalgia already!

I miss it, I really do. I often chose the fishing over riding a motorcycle. In fact, for many of those years I only had a dirt motorcycle that I could fully enjoy in short gulps. A few stolen hours here and there. I fished and hiked and camped and saw bits of the world that most never see.

Riding a bike is one of my biggest dreams. I need that kind of freedom and adrenaline so badly in my life!

 5 years ago (edited) 

In all honesty, it's the best. The freedom is just unimaginable and there is a no doubt adrenaline drip effect. Continuous higher awareness of your surroundings and conditions. You can SMELL the world around you!

It's completely do able. I recommend a beginners riding course highly. They will give you enough skills to stay alive until you really learn to ride.

There is a 'danger' aspect that a rider has to deal with. Not forget, and not discard, but learn to dance with. It's probably the thing that stops most people and it is clearly a factor in the end of a riding career. But it's so rewarding!

Definitely. I would never jump over before having some courses first :) Thanks for the advice!

I ride and there's nothing quite like it...An amazing feeling of freedom.

Hopefully I'll be able to feel the experience too anytime soon :D

Yep, I hope...It's so much fun...A little dangerous, but worth it for the fun...Now, @bigtom13 told me to ask about your shoes? I'm intrigued.

I've never tried this...But then again fishing isn't really my thing...I can do it, but have a great knack for the reel ending up looking like a birds nest of fishing line. :)

I too miss fishing. My best friend and i were avid fishermen. We did the creeks and rivers of central California. The ocean for sea bass yellowtail and bluefin. Wed spend three days at a time fishing. I miss it. I gad planned to try fishing fir barramundi in australia but that never materialized. Was going to teach the little boy how to do it. We'd spend time at the local creek with ling branches pretending they were fishing polls and we'd catch imaginary fish.

I was so into it I'd go to a local park and practice with a piece of yarn tied on instead of a hook so I could track the trajectory. So, yeah, I get imaginary fishing...

The best part was making up imaginary fish names together. Little boys come up with the best names for things.

I used to play baseball all the time. I have picked up a ball and give in almost three years. The last time I played was at a company "bonding" event.

Nice! I used to play ping pong when i was like 4 years old and did it for s few years. Made me want to get back to this sport as well!

 5 years ago  

I have not played basket ball or football (soccer) in over a year now. Used to like that a lot.
How good or bad is it to have a twin sister. I have one, 5 years younger, but we were very close, we also fought a lot. Have not seen her for a year now, except on video calls.

Oh yeah, basketball too! Used to do it a lot during my college and I was becoming really good at it because I was enjoying the sport, but it's been a while since I played basketball.

I can't imagine not seeing my sister for a year, we actually live together but regarding to how good or bad is it to have a twin..I'd call it a special relationship.
Of course there are always good and bad parts but having a twin is a little bit more complicated since the arguments are a little bit more intense than between any other siblings. But our connection is really special. When we were very young we had some strange moments when we could feel the pain of each other or when one of us was suffering even if we were in different rooms. For a few times when one of us was getting injured, the other one was receiving the bruise. Pretty weird, I know.

But that's the proof of how connected we are and that we have something special which is only ours and maybe just the ones who understand it :)