Rejection and what is important in life.


Rejection is an unavoidable and natural part of life. But it still sucks. I been rejected more times than I can count. It is simpler to count the times when I was accepted- zero. I tried to look at this in a positive way- give myself a credit for trying and hope for better results next time. But eventually I just got tired of trying. At this point I don't think I will ever have a girlfriend. I would still want to have a friend with benefits. But I am sceptical about that as well. Perhaps that is for the best. If I would have a girlfriend or even just a friend with benefits I would probably have to change some of my habits and lifestyle...Be more sociable. And that is something I don't really want. I think that it would be even worse than rejection. I can't see myself going to restaurants or concerts and enjoying it. Most of the time people annoy and tire me. So while this rant and thumbnail picture might seem a bit dramatic I am quite fine and ready with rejection. That shit happens often so at this point it is nothing new. Weirdly enough most of the time I am rejected and almost never the one who rejects a girl. Perhaps now some girls could try asking me out? that would be a nice and pleasant change.

3 important things in life? Easy

The health of a few people who are dear for me. Especially my mother's. My health. And potential financial freedom( Hive). I don't want to be one those elderly who can barely afford food and medicine. Honorable mention goes to my creativity because it makes me an (I hope other people) happy. At the moment I have no ideas for serious art pieces so I am just doing Splinterlands and Holozing drawings. But if my past experience is any indication I will be back at making art soon enough.


Most of the time, rejection can really be difficult to handle and sometimes we might not be able to recover from it

you are right.

Rejection is a pain in the chest, it sometimes makes you feel you don't deserve anything good.

At this point I don't think I will ever have a girlfriend

You will definitely have when the right time comes

 last year  Reveal Comment

better luck next time.