in Weekend Experiences10 months ago (edited)

Love is a deep feeling of affection, acceptance and oneness shared between two people in mutuality. It is possible to like someone or people based on some qualities or parameters but it takes more to love or to be in love. Love involves commitment, trust, strong affection, selflessness, understanding, actions, openness and so on. Wrong understanding of what love is in this present era has lead to a diminished value on the true worth of love.

It is good to note that love has processes and stages, hence, it is not instantaneous but proven and grown into over time. Love is key in establishing and maintaining solid relationships. Love can lead to a friendship relationship which inturns may lead to a marital union if there is mutual synchronization amidst other factors of consideration. As moments shared together by friends are important, there will be need for friends to meet especially physically as this creates and facilitates bonding.

I believe the first date i.e. an outing with a lover or a potential lover shouldn't involve sex or sexual activities at all. Based on health ground, the lover or potential lover might have some disease or sexually transmitted infections which are latent in the body and hence, physical fitness doesn't negate this. There have been such cases where some are infected through this casual sexual intercourse on their first date and the more reason i feel it's a no.

Based on purpose and intent, sex is a form of intimacy shared between married couples so as to strength their love bond and for procreation purpose. I feel first date is too casual and early to think of having sex when the lovers involved are not yet married though they are friends tilting towards marriage or may not even tilt towards it again though had the potential as chances and circumstances may warrant such. E.g. those getting to know their genotype incompatibility.

Based on consequence, i will discourage sex on the first date because such sex whether casual, intentional or circumstantial can result to pregnancy which i believe the lovers on the date may not envisage at the moment though they may enjoy the few minutes of pleasure. I have seen and heard such instances of pregnancy resulting from first date which forced the lovers to marry each other to avert shame or in some instances lead to their actual shame because of the responsibility involved.

Based on human dignity and appropriateness, first date is the moment of physical meeting, discussion, interaction probably with feasting between the two friends, potential lovers or lovers. It's a time to get to know eachother better and to familiarize better. Involvement of sex on this day will be inappropriate and forfeit the purpose of such a day.

Sex on the very first date actually speaks alot on the personalty of the lovers involved though in all honesty, emotions may rise and all, but caution and self control will go along way to help or come to a rescue. Based on experiences seen around, relationships with sex on the first date don't last because it is based on falsehood since the intimacy isn't there and the love hasn't been proved over time. I counsel that the real purpose of date should be understood to avoid abuse or shipwreck of such. Thank you for reading even as comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed.