Seems like slowly I am becoming a regular of Galen's Weekend Engagement initiative. Sometimes it's fun to write about a topic that someone else has come up with. Many communities are giving weekly topics to their members, which is good if you have no idea what to write about, but it can also become pressuring or annoying. I could not do it long term, that is certain. What I like about Galen's Weekend Engagement topics is that he always has four or five, so there's always a chance I find one that suits me.
This week he most likely has been taking some brain stimulants as most of the topics are suitable for me 😂 (no offense meant here, I hope he won't notice this 🙈 and I can get away with it, otherwise I will be in deep ... something).
Photo by Kenneth Schipper Vera on Unsplash
So this week we have five topics to write about, you can check them out here. These are the ones that are tempting to me:
- Time to die, which is about euthanasia, a controversial topic but I have an opinion about it and one day most likely there will be a post about it too.
- Meat, what would I do if I would be force to kill and process my meat.
- Time capsule letter, which is somehow similar to what we had a few weeks ago, but now the sneaky Galen excluded half of what I wrote back then, so I would need to come up with new things for this.
- My cave life and who I would want to be with. Come on Galen, you really want me to tell all my secrets on chain?
- What I'm passionate about. Oh God, I would break the blockchain.
So after some thinking, I decided to go with this:
Meet the meat
If a law was passed that people had to kill and process their own meat for consumption (or not be able to eat it at all), would you do it or simply stop eating meat? (I mean animals, including fish). Explain your answer in at least 300 words and use images you took yourself if possible. source
This is the topic I'm going to write about today and try to explain how things stand in this area.
Let's start with my preferences first, in order to understand what and why. I'm not vegetarian or vegan. I eat meat, but not everything. My favorite is chicken and that's what I'm usually cooking. I also eat pork, but rarely cook it myself. The situation is the same with beef and fish, I'm not saying no to them if the dish is in front of me but you won't see me cooking beef, or fish.
My grandparents always had pigs and chickens, like people usually living in the village. Back in those days this was a must if you did not want to starve on the government rationed food portions. It was a good thing if you had a possibility to do it. This means I have seen them killing and processing pork and chicken all the time.
I took this photo in February at a photo exhibition and did not post it for a good reason. Now that the topic is this, here it is. This scene is not unknown to me, have seen it several times and I can tell you a few things about it. For example, the old man did a very nice job cleaning the pig, before processing it, so whoever he is, congrats on that. You can start processing the pig as he did, starting from the belly or cut it along the spine. Either way, there's a process to follow, an order in which you take out certain parts. It's not an easy job to do, needs practice, but can be learnt for sure.
Would I do it? Most likely not. Processing the meat is something I can do as I often buy whole chicken and process it myself at home. Pork would be a bigger and more complicated job, but can be done. My problem is killing the animal and it's a huge one. I admit, I'm a coward when it comes to killing animals and would most likely not do it. This is why I will never have livestock. Maybe I could compromise as right now I think I could kill a fish but can't guarantee that I would be brave enough when the time comes.
Photo by Kenneth Schipper Vera on Unsplash
Most likely I would go vegetarian, or bribe someone to do it for me, if the punishment for doing so would not be severe.
The truth is, you never know how you're going to act, till you're in that particular situation. I'm not addicted to meat, can live without meat if the situation asks for it, but again, maybe at some point I would put away my fear or pity and would do it. Good thing I don't have to now.

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@erikah I was actually smiling 😂 while reading your post like everything here is funny LoLs.
Unable to kill animals doesn't make you a coward when i was at very young at age 18-20 i can't afford to hold a knife to kill chicken not even a goat and we have them plenty in our compound, my reasons for this is that i pity them too much and not being a coward.
I don't really fancy meat because it is so stressful to process but then i love chicken 🍗 i must say lols 😂.
Fish isn't bad to as we have got some better fish in the river well we have some fish that taste like meat in my country 😂
Your post makes me laugh and I'm glad going through it , i will make sure i participate in the context. Thanks for sharing have a good day
Lol, not where I come from. You go to the supermarket and buy whatever piece you want, even seasoned, spiced meat if you're lazy 😂. This is why many have no idea how to process a chicken.
Fish is good but first I would need to learn how to catch them.
I'm glad my post makes you laugh. I can be funny if the situation asks for it.
I have been living in the village for the second year, and for me this is the biggest problem.
When the time comes to kill the animal that grew up next to you and that you took care of, I can’t find a place for myself.
Inside, of course, I understand that I take care of my animals to feed my family, but deep down I believe that this is not true and I have no right to do so.
For myself, I have not yet gotten used to the idea of exploiting other creatures ... When buying meat in a store, we lose all these uncomfortable thoughts...
Thank's for your content!
I feel the same. I could raise chicken, or pigs as the place where my dad lives has the conditions, plus we could grow corn to feed them, but no thanks. Too much trouble and the other thing is killing them is not for me. Better leave it to others and buy it from the supermarket.
During peacetime, it was easier for me to make money and I fully shared your views. It was easier for me to earn some money, buy food, and even a bit of cryptocurrency.
Today, there is no work, and in order to be sure of tomorrow, I have to grow my own food. It's an interesting process, although unfamiliar.
During this activity, I am starting to love freedom and independence more and more.
Being with my loved ones every day, instead of going to work for the success of someone else's business for a small percentage, is a huge blessing.
And the times are changing. It may happen that when I went to the store, I found that I had nothing to spend my money on.
As much as there's no way to get meat without taking the life of an animal, I don't delight seeing the animals going but feeding on meat I enjoy.
The weekend engagement had because a most expected event here on hive a very week and with the number of people taking part in the writing tells how much it's appropriated.
It has come to stay.
Yes, this initiative is a popular and well liked one, so thank you @galenkp for running it.
@galenkp remains one of my top five favorite authors here on hive. And for running this #weekend-engagement contest every week, I join the thousand of hive lovers to say thank you @galenkp you're loved.
I've been a vegetarian for a good chunk of my life. If I was on a desert island with a chicken and hardly any food, I still wouldn't be able to kill the chicken. I'd look for food for it! I don’t think you are a coward either.
I would most likely do the same as I think for us it's the only way.
I took some...but only a small amount...My brain is quite small after all. Lol.
Yeah right! What did you take? Tell me so I can take some as well. 😂's special, I'm not sure if you could handle it.
Only way to know is to try it out. So be a good boy and share your toys. 😂
To be honest, I just get high on life and a little deep breathing to oxygenate my brain. It doesn't take much oxygen, my brain is the size of a pea.
Lol. Long noses are good for some things you know...
Ok fuck, maybe nothing.
I think I would do the same as you. I already eat very little meat and think I would need to bribe someone to get some it is was me the one to be in charge of the execution, but most likely Id stop altogether. haha 🌻 As you said. The good thing is we don't have to knowI enjoyed @galenkp weekends topic! Very interesting and creative. haha
I understand you completely as we are on the same page with this. I would eat veggies, fruits, milk and eggs, but not meat.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice weekend :)
I'm just like you, I have big problems killing animals, but I'm not a vegetarian and I really like meat; probably out of necessity I would do what I have to but I'm happy at the moment I don't need it eh eh!
Nice post!😉
We need to make sure @galenkp won't ever get elected in a law making position, so we can be safe in this regard 😂.
Heh heh but the good @galenkp is an ethical hunter, which is truly admirable and not for everyone.
I also believe that he would be a great governor, hunting and fishing aside 🤪
I know he's an ethical hunter and a good one too. He's also fair but he would have an advantage in this and we would go vegan 😂.
We could go vegan or leave the hunting part to Galen and we dedicate ourselves to eating heh heh!
Deal! We can agree on that :))
This is something that has left me thinking. And looking at the face of those little piggies up there, I'm 100% that I wouldn't kill them.
To clarify, I also eat meat: chicken mostly (because is what is most abundant in my country), pork and fish, in that order. Beef is forbidden in Cuba and I can go to jail if they catch me with it.
I feel I would be able to kill a fish (and I say this from the comfort of my desk) but it would have to be seen at the time.
Maybe it sounds hypocritical, because I really like meat, but killing the animal is something I have never considered.
And this is a very fucked up thing, because if you think about it, no animal would have any objection to killing us if we were their lunch.
The image of the pig being processed by a man is very familiar to me, my grandfather like yours also raised animals for self-consumption.
I wonder what country you are from and why the food was rationalized. In Cuba this is still going on and food scarcity is a serious thing.
Wow, this is a surprise. I need to read up on the topic to see what's going on there. I hope they are going to lift the ban as restrictions are never good.
When I was writing my post, was thinking of this and was expecting to be called a hypocrite. No one did it yet, but who knows :)
That is a very valid point. The law or the jungle, kill or be killed.
I'm from Romania, where there was communism till the end of 1989. I suppose that says everything. If you live in Cuba, you understand more than others. I hope life will change in Cuba one day, sooner than later as the direction where the country is going is not the right one.
Hi @erikah , for many I think it would be a challenge to process the meat themselves, although for others it would be totally normal. But it is true what you mention:
We can say one thing now, but in being in the situation is another thing.
By the way, I was impressed by the picture of the pig and the man.
That was a good photo and I was pleased to see the man knew very well how to process the meat. It is an art and working clean is another type of art. I was lucky to capture that photo at the exhibition.
We agree about the rest.
Good to see you engaging on the #weekend-engagement Sis.
Am a big fan of meet most especially cow meat i love them alot i don't think i can do without eating them in a week lol
Statements like these always make me laugh. My answer to these people is, you can go without eating meat for sure, you just don't want to. Imagine the following situation. There's war in your country, or an earthquake or terrible drought or any other reason why food is scarce and there's no meat. What would you do? Hang yourself? No, you would adapt. So there's your answer 😂. Mean, huh?
Galen's weekend post is my favorite in this platform whenever I am free I make sure to write something on any of the topics and I have fun doing it.
I love meat mostly chicken, beef and pork meat but chicken is the most easiest to kill and prepare that I can do better as for pork I only enjoy eating it but can't kill it I will love to learn if I see someone to teach me, happy weekend 🤠😎
Pork needs a lot of work. First, you can't do it alone as you can't hold and kill it if it's big. Then just processing it takes a day or two, so it's not easy. Chicken is easier, but I could not do it. I can process it easily, but not kill it.
Have a nice weekend.