Looks like you need to do some thinking. Buying things you don't need or use is a problem and you already realize that. A bike is not cheap and if it sits there and gets rusty, then you throw your money out of the window. Books you can read later, just don't go crazy on buying them as space is limited. I'm sorting my old books as we speak and donating them to the library.
Art supplies is another thing that can go both ways. Pencils you can use later, but paint dries in time. You have the iPad but it's not the same as the good old drawing. So who knows, maybe one day you'll go old school again.
In any case, it's good that you realized you may manage your buying better.
Yes. I realized that now. Actually I had so many crazy purchases during the pandemic, but I am really using the other things now.. So, I think they are a good buy.
And my girlfriend had stopped me buying things and instead invest them. I am so lucky to have her. I have been paying for a piece of land, in 4 years time I would pay it in full and there we will build our small house.
Yes, I really hope I can go back to the old me who loves doing traditional art. I miss that.
Thank you so much. 😍