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RE: Weekend Writing Topics 155

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Hi there @uchelee

Thanks for your comment. Let me preface my answer to you by stating categorically that I certainly don't claim to "have it all in order" as my post stated, it was really just my opinion and you or any other person might have a totally different idea of these concepts.

As for your questions, I can't answer them for anyone but myself and anyone else may have a completely different viewpoint to mine. I think what's more important is to answer these questions for yourself according to your own belief systems and values. I think that that's one of the reasons that these particular weekend prompts are so valuable, they make each of us think and answer questions we probably wouldn't normally.


I certainly don't claim to "have it all in order"...

Of course, that was my own opinion of your take. I agreed with you so much I wanted to hear more. The questions are of course relative, which is why I said I wanted to pick your brain. I did not intend to apply it as a universal law 😊.

Thanks anyway.