I find it super sexy that my partner has curly eyelashes that even I, who am a woman, don't have (I hate him for that) I also consider sexy that mischievous smile when he does something bad, it kills me
I had a good chuckle reading this. I totally get it. You seem very honest and I agree that sexy is totally subjective. Same goes for intelligence, I think that someone might be smart in some ways and not so much in others. I'm emotionally intelligent, but compared to a rocket scientist, I'm a dumbass, perspective counts.
It's true about the eyelashes! Crazy. He's a man, he's carefree and has those super curly eyelashes, for what? And one as a woman must juggle to have beautiful eyelashes. 🙈
@emma-h thanks for reading me. These are such particular things that happen to us, we get to thinking about all the nuances that exist and how wonderful life is, nothing is black and white. We are always going to be special to some people. And the fact that you are different makes you special even if no one has noticed it yet.