George Lucas - what a fucking legend!
This was a very good video and he's outlined it perfectly. As you say, modern society is to blame and the technocratic industry that is pushing addictive behaviour.
We all overexaggerate and use hyperbole. After we had this discussion, I went and changed my bio as even there I used "love" incorrectly.
That's a very interesting distinction that pleasure is self centred and joy is about giving to someone else. Surely you can feel joy at giving someone else pleasure? Does that even make sense? More things for me to ponder.
Do or do not, there is no try. This is the way.
By the way, who's your fave character in the Mandalorian series? I'm a slight bit obsessed with The Armourer. Not in a romantic way, but as in if I could choose to be one of them, it would be her!
You know, it is such a hard one to decide, I like Bill Burr's character, even though I don't know his name, the first episode he was in I liked him, but that second one where they enter the military base is so good.
I also really like seeing Asoka, but Bo Catan is really cool too, seeing her in live-action too. Mando, he's great too, but I think he is bolstered by all of the other people who join him on the adventures.
Yeah, George Lucas is incredibly wise, and that interview is such a breath of fresh air and really puts things into perspective I think.