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RE: Does it make me angry or sad? (WEEK 242)

It makes me angry the arrogance, the one who looks down on you just for having a few extra bills, the one who thinks he can pass over you just because of his social status, the one who does not value or take care of the most essential things on the planet, the one who boasts all the time of doing good deeds when he is only looking for approval and to be seen, the car drivers who use the phone, park on a ramp, run you over like a sack of garbage, the one who makes mistakes, but does not seek to change, because there are people who make mistakes and change, but others do not, they get angry, there are so many things that make me angry and sad that the list would be endless 🦉



That's true and it comes down to people not respecting each other, it's now a very common thing to lack respect in all aspects. Thank you Yami!🤗