The pillow on which my dreams are born

in Weekend Experiences4 days ago (edited)

It has been scientifically proven that a person dreams a thousand dreams a year...
Do we really dream so much? We are probably dreaming, the only question is what of our dreams remains in our memory after waking up...

One of the learned people who claimed that number, doctor Ivan Nastović, psychotherapist, specialist in clinical and depth psychology and dream interpretation, wrote "Listen to what your dreams are telling you because they know everything".

The unconscious in us, which comes to us through dreams, is very important because dreams have the power to predict events, situations, conflicts or good outcomes.
Well, each of those 1000 dreams that we remember after waking up is worth its weight in gold.

In the period of my youth when I remembered almost all my dreams, then I was engaged in physical work and had a very tired body, but therefore a very rested brain, my dreams were very intense, sometimes repetitive, very realistic (with characters and events from my of life) and some of them often happened years later in Java.
At that time, I called those moments rains (already seen), but I knew that these were situations that came to my dreams.
When I started doing jobs that drained my brain capacity, dreams became rare, that is, after I wake up, I don't remember them... When I wake up, I only remember whether I dreamed something or not... And I know if it was a "difficult" or a "nice" dream. I recognize what my dreams were like by whether my heart is beating fast, whether my pulse is strong and fast and whether I woke up in a panic or I woke up with a slight smile on my face, with an indescribable need to stretch on the bed before getting up ...

In that earlier period, I read the Dream Book almost every day and looked for the meaning of the details of dreams that I remembered after waking up.
There were various meanings of those dreams.
In some I ran away from known or unknown people (successfully or unsuccessfully), in others I chased someone (again successfully or unsuccessfully), sometimes I had sexual dreams with my current partner, sometimes with known and sometimes with unknown women (I don't remember I dreamed of men in those dreams 🙂), I dreamed of scenes from adventure and spy movies where I am in the lead role. I dreamed of the illness or death of famous people, I dreamed of their recovery, I dreamed of fog, snow, winter, summer and the sea...I dreamed of driving a car, being driven in a car, I dreamed of reaching Mars by rocket and that my plane destroys...
Sometimes I woke up in the middle of those dreams, all scared and wet (and was grateful for that), and sometimes I stayed in the dreams until the end. Sometimes I woke up from sleep with teary eyes, sometimes with high blood pressure or a strong erection, and sometimes happy that I remembered dreams that I could interpret later.
The meaning according to the book Sanovnik was different for them.

(I don't have this book with me right now, so I'll share a picture I found on the internet, and it's like this...)

Consciousness, love problems, happy moments, sadness, fear, joy, damage, birth, death... All these are the meanings of the dreams I remembered...

The dreams that later happened to me in waking life, in some situations, helped me to avoid the scenario that happened to me in my dream.
While the dream was coming true, I remembered the same thing (as already experienced) and in a moment I changed something in reality, I didn't say something or I said something else, I would have done something or I would have stopped and I wouldn't have done it... Remembering those dreams, I realized that they helped me get out of the situation I was in without much harm...

One of the dreams (which I still remember to this day, is without any special meaning, but only as a confirmation that dream situations are happening to me in reality) is the following.

In my street, opposite the house where I used to live, I am standing at the bus stop and waiting for transportation. It is dark and there is a little fog in the streets. It's cold and I'm shivering in my sleep (probably I exposed myself in bed so I'm cold when I'm awake)...
The bus pulls up to the bus stop, I enter the middle door.
An unknown man is sitting on the seat next to the door, in a bright yellow cape, with a fishing hat on his head, rubber boots and fishing rods by his side... I greet him with "Good evening". He turns to me - so he doesn't have half of his face (the half that until then was facing the window) and answers me, "Good evening to you too".
Out of fear because of his appearance, I almost ran away from the bus in my sleep...
A few years after that dream, from which I woke up calm, because my fear was immediate and quickly passed, because I still exchanged a few sentences with that "faceless" man about his catch, I found myself at the same bus stop waiting transportation in a foggy dark night...
The bus has arrived. I enter the middle door and shock.
On the seat sits a fisherman in a yellow cape with a fishing hat, boots and fishing rods
I remain frozen in the middle of the bus, he turns to me and greets me with "Good evening".
Then I see that he has a full face, but that the left side of his face is covered with a purple spot, known as "Naevus flammeus".
I remembered that long ago dream, I laughed at my great fear in the dream and said goodbye to the man with "Good evening. How was the catch?".

Such situations confirm to me that the dreams I remember after waking up and how
come true, but I'm sorry that in recent years I've been so burdened at work, that my brain no longer remembers all the prescient dreams that might still help me in some situations today...

As I was thinking about my dreams today, I remembered an old song...

Unlike the lyrics in the song, I don't have to dream now to be next to my beloved.

Her head is dreaming on the same pillow just a meter from mine.


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