Don't look up

Somehow, this 2021 movie I just watched on Netflix matched the theme @galenkp suggested for this weekend wonderfully.

One space rock, and there is no planet, just like there are no people, no animals, no dinosaurs.

If you could make the world an amazing and beautiful place where humanity thrived in the future, but doing so means killing every person currently existing on the planet to start from scratch, would you do it and why/why not?

Since on the Balkan peninsula (where I live) this weekend, the temperature dropped by more than 20°C compared to last, which I spent outside the apartment, walking around Novi Sad and enjoying the warm day, sitting in restaurant gardens and drinking beer, now I'm home, dressed in a warm wardrobe and ready to write.
Which of the topics to choose with such a gloomy change of times. but this cataclysmic one, about the destruction of humanity 🙂

All topics about sex that galenkp posted are very intriguing, but about oral, you will not read more from me than the following: "For mutual enjoyment, I give as much as I get", with one symbolic sign ♋️
And I wouldn't open the topic related to drinks, I gave myself to the great posts in the #Beer community where we present the beers we drink around the world.

We humans and human civilization have caused great injustices and damages to this planet of ours.
Like moles, we drilled its surface in search of ores, coal, gold, diamonds, and oil. Like noxious caterpillars we ate her forests. We messed up its rivers, lakes and seas with fecal sewage and garbage from our landfills.

And with the excess of oil dioxide, we, the farts, along with the industry we forced, created an excess of gas that made the planet a big greenhouse and thereby raised the temperature so much that large amounts of ice that had been in the north and south of the planet for millions of years melted. .

When I saw the topic, I thought to ask "Bill, is that you?", but then I looked a little more in detail about the topic "Golden Billions", which I heard a long time ago, which was introduced back in 1994 by a Russian economist. That term, because of several reckless statements, Mr. Gates stuck for himself.
I have not delved deeper into this topic (if anyone has, it would be nice to share), but the idea that out of 8 billion of us, there is only one left in the world, and that in the West, and that everyone is chosen according to the wealth they have, just and he doesn't like it.

There are a lot of bad people on this planet of ours, world powers and political leaders, who for the sake of world supremacy are doing a great injustice to the planet... If part of that elite disappeared from the planet, would it do the rest of the world good?

Because there are many more good people who love our planet.
Not all people in this world are eager to take more than what they need and what belongs to them. These people live in harmony with nature, love, respect and preserve it...

As Mahatma Gandhi said:
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean. If a few drops in the ocean are dirty, the whole ocean is not dirty.

I still believe in all the other pure drops of that ocean of ours...

But it is a big mistake that all the rest of us who make that ocean clean are too silent...
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller

Back to the topic 🙂

Would I be willing to eliminate the entire human civilization, so that some new "human" civilization would have a better future.
Fuck it, I wouldn't.

I would be sorry if a reset happened to the planet like in the movie from the title, when some comet would clean the entire living world from the planet..
But I would definitely prefer such a scenario, rather than the scenario of the "golden billion" theory.
Although some of us should be removed from this planet...

It seems to me that the planet would be better off if that billion were actually removed from the planet. To remove the rich, who are rich because they have polluted the planet, and now they are calling for overpopulation...
What overpopulation?
Well, do you know that if all the people in this world were to sit in chairs, next to each other (if everyone had 1m² for themselves), they could occupy an area that is 1000 times smaller than the area of ​​the Sahara desert.
So there is no crowding on the planet in terms of people, only some world governments and countries excessively speed up industry and excessively enrich themselves and their elites, to create the impression that there is not enough food on the planet.
And every day, so much food is thrown away in the world, which could feed all those who don't have it...
Perhaps a bigger problem is drinking water, but the reason for the lack of it is bad infrastructure (when the rich don't want to spend their $ to provide it, but are big benefactors and treat the unfortunate who are thirsty with their medicines), as well as the dirt we have created with our industry.

A scenario where I would agree to hit the "Exterminate Civilization" switch is perhaps more acceptable than a scenario where a comet wipes out all life on it.

Without us humans, on this planet, life would be like in a movie from 1974, in which the main actors are animals...
It would be a beautiful planet.

While after the impact of the comet, after a few million years, evolution would take care of the creation of some new civilizations, the only question is how many legs these new people would have, if they would have wings, horns, if they would live at the bottom of the ocean and eat grass.. .

And would they, after perfecting themselves like us, after several industrial revolutions, in that distant future, like us now, question themselves, whether they even deserve to live on that, still, our planet?