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RE: Lifting the lid: A look into my centre console

You could live in your vehicle. Now, why doesn't that surprise me!?

The only problem I have is where you stop or end how much you take. You live a different lifestyle than me and you will use more than I ever would. The fact that you can carry all of that amazed me just a little.

I am not sure what you would be able to give up.

I don't like fueling up and until there wasn't a full-serve conveniently located to me, I never used self-serve. Don't judge, I just don't like smelling like that.

My center console isn't that big. I'm doomed, aren't I?


I've got some stuff in there for sure, but there's more in the drawer beneath the fridge/freezer in the back, that's where the tools and recovery gear goes, and other stuff. I think I did a post on it back a while.

I guess it comes down to what a person does. The things in this post all have a practical use and are there for a purpose. A person who's vehicle never leaves the city may not need these things, certainly the radios anyway.

Doomed Swigs? Nah, not at all...Well...maybe a little. (Can one be a little doomed?)

I hope you're having a good weekend my Swigly doomed one. Lol.

That's the thing! I do leave the city and I always thought I was relatively prepared. Not really, as well as I could be.

Yes! One can be a little doomed. I insist... well, that isn't what I mean, but, you know what I mean. :)

I am having a good weekend, busy and cold as an added insult.

It's all good, I have something hot and yummy simmering, so all is not as sad as it could be.

Hi, Galen! Hoping you did something fun this weekend!

Something bit and simmering? Soup or a stew? I love stew. Glad to hear you had a good weekend. Mine was ok, a little pressure here and there but not too bad. Monday morning now. Not loving it. 😵‍💫

Stew! Always good for a chilly day! What happened to my Spring.

Manic Monday. Don't blame you.