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RE: Wherever I lay My Hat

I found myself... or lost myself... a bit too much reading this. hehehe

You know my massive comments and I'm tempted to just let loose and connect with you!! (it's been a while since I've left a nice sized comment. yes - i'm thinking of you Mouse @stevemuis!!) it's been too long - and not long enough quite yet. hehehe cuz my brain is scrambled eggs. Not even the flavorful kind. just plain old scrambled eggs.

and that's why this post was a bit of an antidote for me. pause for deep cleansing sigh

I'm sorry that facebook ruined it for you. But glad for the chance for you to see new places and forge new secrets. I'm also sorry for the "yes" that turned into a "not right now" but so longing to see that energy-eagle-engagement ring hehehe

my daughter (who is also not so little anymore) just texted me from upstairs and said she is "ready" for her haircut. so... off i go

i'm so glad I read this today

sending you love


Hello you! 😊

I've missed you but I know full well how busy you are!!! So thanks for taking the time to drop by and respond with such a wonderful comment. As always.

He has (or had) the ring. I should have taken a picture but I guess I always think things will never change. And yet the only thing consistent is change.

We didn't make it in the end... life. And people. :(

I'm better at documenting things these days. Especially since I found Hive!

Cutie pie. Enjoy your time with her and I'll see you around. Always ❤️

Oh... also!


One of the coolest humans I've ever met on the planet. He's joined Hive :) He works full time during the day but he's the kind of human that will always take the time to respond to everyone and every comment when he's around.

David... meet Dreem. She's wonderful and can also answer any question you have. But she's also super busy steering the Dreemport ship.

I think you guys will enjoy each other. ❤️

But I thought "let me record this for posterity" so I went and found a pic of the can I sued :)

Turns out it was a Griffin and not an eagle... (I only saw it as an eagle... huh! Mind you I was in the middle of some kind of breakdown breakthrough!)

And this made me remember why I used the can so thanks for asking. Because it was the name of the energy drink that made me use this particularly :)

Image source<

Thanks for initiating this ... ❤️ 🔥

You've made it even more... more.