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RE: WEEK 145: Weekend-Engagement writing suggestions

oh my gosh. LOLOLOL I seriously laughed OUT LOUD on that last one and laughed even harder thinking about the posts that will come in with those titles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you're a nut!!!!! LOLOLOL

ok hmmmm i'm not sure which one speaks to me this weekend... hehehe will have to see what gets stirred in this brain of mine! hehehe

and now - what the heck are you up to this weekend!?!?!? hope you have a blast whatever it is!!!


I added the last one in as a joke although figured I might be the only one who thought it was funny. However, there's three entries for that one already. Mind-boggling.

I'm going to enter this week, just took the photos actually. I'm doing the what's in your vehicle's centre console.* I'll do the post now and post it when I'm done. I have a lot on in's a big 4x4 so has a huge centre console. There may be a few surprises. Lol.

This weekend I'll be hiking Sunday, after a home-cooked legit AF breakfast, then relaxing, and today (after I do that post) I'm off to the mall to see what I can find. (Looking for something in particular.) I'll eat lunch there too. Later tonight I'll be watching motor racing.

I hope you also have a good weekend.

i'm having an AMAZING weekend...

tomorrow i start the "where the heck is Dreemie" contest - and people can try to "pin" me down to find out exactly where I am. hahaha

they wont' be able to do it randomly - i'll give them clues - but at the end of the week - we'll see if anyone actually knows the answer to my question of the EXACT location hehehe

shoudl be fun!

and i JUST finished my post for you - and I giggled throughout - but its scheduled for tomorrow morning.

well - 8 hours or so - probably your afternoon hehehe

hmmm wonder what you're looking for at the mall heheeh

My mall-looking item will remain a mystery I'm afraid, but nothing sinister or anything. I'll look out for your post and good luck with that concept you're doing.