First of all, I would like to send you a cordial greeting dear friends of hive. in this opportunity I am going to tell you that I attended my brother wiliam's birthday, this weekend to be more specific on Saturday. it was a very simple celebration but with a lot of joy.
The birthday boy, William, loves to be in the kitchen and is a good griller. He taught us the secret to light the grill quickly and to keep the embers evenly, so that the meat is cooked correctly and evenly. He had the meat, chicken and chorizo ready in record time, we were amazed.
The girls, who had not seen each other for a long time, got together to talk and gossip about all the details of what they had not told each other.
No podia faltar una buena bebida estimulante para alegrar, el cuerpo y el alma para estar mas activo en todas las actividades presentes.Las muchachas como tenian tiempo que no se veian se encadenaron a hablar y a chismocear, todos los detalles de lo que no se habian contado.
After we got tired of dancing we started singing kareoke. Of course we became great singers, we were in that bochinche until 4 in the morning. For security reasons those who lived far away stayed sleeping in that apartment which was the great majority. The next day we had a soup to recover from the hangover at about 10 am. After the soup and once recovered everyone went on their way to their respective homes.
Despues que nos cansamos de bailar nos dio por ponernos a cantar en kareoke. Por supuesto nos convertimos en unos grandes cantantes,estuvimos en ese bochinche hasta las 4 de la mañana. Por motivos de seguridad los que vivian lejos se quedaron durmiendo en ese apartamento que era la gran mayoria. Al otro dia hicimos una sopa para recuperarnos de la resaca aproximadamente a las 10 de la mañana. Despues de la sopa y una vez recuperado cada quien agarro su camino a su respectivo hogar de origen.
We had steak, chorizo and chicken with yucca and salad for dinner; I really hadn't eaten a delicious barbecue for a long time, so I didn't feel bad about that dinner. We were all satisfied; you know that saying: full belly, happy heart, well that's how I feel after dinner.
Cenamos carne, chorizo y pollo con yuca y ensalada; la verdad tenía tiempo sin comerme una deliciosa parrilla; así que no me cayó mal esa cena. Todos quedamos satisfechos; saben ese dicho que dice: barriga llena, corazón contento, pues así quedo yo despues de cenar.
These are the moments of fun and entertainment that sometimes we need to get out of the routine of work and de-stress a little, distract the mind; it is always good to share with friends and family. With nothing more to add, I bid you farewell and hope you like my story. See you in a next publication.
Estos son los momentos de diversión y entretenimiento que a veces nos hacen falta para salir de la rutina del trabajo y desestresarnos un poco, distraer la mente; siempre es bueno compartir con amigos y familia. Sin más nada que agregar me despido de ustedes esperando les guste mi narracion. Nos vemos en una pr{oxima publicación.