Hello friends, happy weekend to all, I hope you are doing well, this week was crazy for me since I decided to cross off several things on my to-do list and after postponing them for a while I decided to get to work, Among the things that stood out the most from my week were that I had to take my car to the workshop because it had a strange noise and that took me a long time, I had to repair my PC because it had a cooling problem, I did maintenance on my refrigerator and I repaired several led bulbs in my house, I also had to go out to do several purchases during the week since I wanted to cook some dishes and experiment a bit in the kitchen and for that I needed some ingredients, for my entertainment I watched several series that I had been looking forward to for a long time to see, I also saw a few movies, a normal week that made me feel quite useful I consider that by my standards it was a very profitable week, in short, I will not bore you anymore with my week and I will fully enter the subject of the publication, the Today I come to leave you my contribution to this weekend's Weekend-Engagement, the theme I chose to develop was They're unhealthy since I thought it was an interesting topic, I hope you like my participation.

Since I was very little I am a fan of drinking sweet drinks like Coca-Cola or powdered juices, in fact I did not like to eat if I did not have a drink, I remember when I was studying in high school that after leaving school I would go to the store buying envelopes to prepare cold lemon tea for lunch is something that has always characterized me and to this day I continue to do it, of course, sometimes I may prepare natural juices but it is very rare since here in Venezuela it is cheaper to buy a Pepsi or a Coca-cola than to buy a watermelon, a melon, a papaya or some other fruit, in fact the price of the fruit is excessively high and for me the most important thing is to have something sweet to drink at the time of eating, not It is that I spend all day drinking soft drinks, I emphasize, I only have a small glass after eating, I know that it is not a healthy habit and that I should accompany my food with water, but the truth is that I feel good with it and I certainly do not regret it in the least, at this time reducing my consumption of sugary drinks I do not consider it an option unless my health is compromised but a few months ago I had medical tests and my blood sugar level is within normal values in fact all the medical exams showed good results so I don't worry much about that for now, an interesting fact before moving on to the next habit is that I hate coffee with sugar, for that reason I don't usually drink it at the house of relatives or friends since here in Venezuela gets used to drinking extremely sweet coffee and it is something that I dislike a lot, I also do not like sweets in general such as cookies, chewing gum, jellies or candies I like none of that, I like to eat salty foods, I prefer snacks before of any sweet food.

Something that without a doubt is doing me a lot of harm is the time that I spend stuck on the PC and the lack of physical mobility, I am very sedentary and rarely exercise, the worst thing is that in recent years I have become That way, before I was much more active, I went for walks a lot and took long daily walks with my girlfriend, things changed when we moved house and in the house we currently live in we never go for a walk, sometimes I think that this behavior That is very rare for me, that is, in my adolescence I really liked riding a bicycle and I practiced karate for a couple of years, I was a very active person, I suppose that everything began to change when I entered the university to study engineering and I had to spend hours and hours sitting on the computer studying, also in 2016 I got a job online which made my sedentary lifestyle worsen more and more to the point of spending more than 8 hours a day working on the computer without exaggerating and little by little I got used to it to this lifestyle, currently I no longer work online so I don't spend so much time on the computer, but the consequences of being stuck on the PC for so long have been noticeable, I usually get very tired walking up the stairs or doing a simple activity My joints hurt, I usually sweat with very little effort, in addition to having gained a couple of extra kilos, I am aware that I need to improve my physical condition, I have an elliptical trainer at home and I rarely use it, I would definitely change this bad habit that it is hurting me so much but laziness and lack of interest wins me over, I hope one day to be able to change my way of thinking about the subject.

The truth is that there are many aspects in my life that I still have to improve, little by little I have been changing certain habits that were hurting me, such as I stopped consuming alcoholic beverages and I stopped vaping things that I did very frequently, I do not rule out At some point I will be able to change all those activities and lead a healthier life but for now it is what it is, I am calm with myself and I suppose that is what matters, everyone leads their lives at their own pace and I think that in the end it is what we all want , improve, now without anything else to add I say goodbye, I hope you liked my contribution to the theme of the weekend thanks for stopping by, see you next weekend, see you later.

Why little by little? Get up an hour before working from home and go for a walk or a bike ride. Go for a walk in your lunch break or in the evening. Track your steps and set yourself a minimal goal.
Make it less attractive to drink soda (keep it outside the fridge) or put it somewhere where you don't see it that often. Fill your fridge with nice cold water and have a water bottle on your desk within reach.
And start drinking coffee without sugar. I changed that cold turkey a few years ago. It takes a few days, but you'll get used to it. I even find coffee with sugar disgusting now 😀
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Thank you very much for the advice, I am also a bit disgusted by sweet coffee, I usually drink it with very, very little sugar, thanks for the support, regards
You're welcome. You can do it 💪
Sodas are a strong topic hahaha I am also from Venezuela and I live in a "I must not buy sodas" way. I buy a lot of lechoza and keep it chopped frozen to make juice and I try to put little sugar in it.
However I fall into the temptation of soda when I eat on the street, because it is cheaper and in many places the only drink option. Looking for alternatives if you can improve 😉.
Yes, we are very used to drinking soft drinks when we go out to eat on the street so much so that they sell it everywhere and it is very rare to find natural juices in fast food stalls, I love soft drinks and for now I am not going to give it up haha😬, regards 😁