I think scared about covers it. Neither of my two siblings drink either.
Thank you kindly for the reblog, etc, etc, etc.
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I think scared about covers it. Neither of my two siblings drink either.
Thank you kindly for the reblog, etc, etc, etc.
My Dad always said his Dad was an absolutely fantastic bloke, until he drank. Dad would see the brown bottles on the back step and scraper, sleep in the car or at a mates.
I have no such memory - my Dad made sure of that. I only recall him drunk once, accidentally, drunk under the table by visiting Germans. It was hilarious. He kept saying 'dont tell the girls!' but at the time we were living in a caravan and my sister and I could hear him vomiting in the sink saying 'oh my God I'm throwing up blood' and Mum saying drily 'Habs, that's tomato'. We couldn't stop giggling.
Hahaha, very funny! Your father sounds like a darling. You are fortunate to have good parents....and thanks for the hugs:)
I am super lucky - and yes, he is. Funny, we had a convo just yesterday about that very thing, in contrast to his brother's family who have a whole set of dramas and misery. As my folks said, often parents just make it up as they go along, but perhaps it was just because they were sensible as people that made them get it right. Whatever they did, I totally lucked out.
PS hugs to small deirdyweirdy, who shouldn't have to have been scared.