Highs and lows

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago (edited)

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When you’re a geriatric retiree such as myself, weekends are much like any other day. I can’t remember the last time I did anything even a little crazy or wild. It was likely back in my rockstar years fuelled by youthful exuberance, or in the 90s, fuelled by a lot of drugs when I travelled to quite a few illegal raves in the UK.

In 1994, believe it or not, the UK government passed a law that banned public performance of music “wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats.” Rave music, in other words. It granted police the power to turn back revellers who were within a 1.6 km radius of any site where it was believed a rave was going on.

You can't exactly advertise a rave once they've been outlawed, so little stickers were posted around the city with a phone number that you’d call to get the location of the party.

It was great craic, but not when you were intercepted by the long arm of the law and had to neck all your Es quick smart, smile widely, and inform said constabulary that far from attending any rave, you’re going to visit John, who lives in the village near the church. I mean, there’s always a church in the village, and there’s always a chap called John. Then off you'd pop on your merry way, doing your utmost to drive in a straight line.

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I’ve likely had many weekends that might qualify as the worst, but these days I can remember very little and understand even less. It could have been Saturday, 18 July 1981, when part of a 20,000-strong march to the British Embassy in support of the hunger strikers, I was assaulted by the Gardai after they turned a peaceful demonstration into a riot by first kettling and then baton charging us.

Or was it that weekend we flew to London and ended up in the magistrates court? Or another weekend, again in Heathrow Airport, when we found ourselves surrounded by armed police... My brother was an avid collector of replica guns, and some of them looked a bit too real.

No! It was probably Saturday, 7th August 1993, when a gang of us travelled to Belfast to see Aphex Twin in the Ulster Hall. While the others were all happily high, I was denied any stimulants because I'd had a crazy reaction to magic mushrooms the week before. Have you ever tried to listen to Aphex Twin stone-cold sober? Well, don't! I was traumatised!


Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking 'When was the last time you did something a little crazy and wild on the weekend?' and 'What’s the worst weekend you've ever had and why?'


ahahaha,always had a feeling you were a raver. well, not many things have changed in that regard.
from what i gather crime has been on the rise on german cities, and you wonder where the police are, until you see the lengths of effort they go to to build roadblocks in front of psychedelictrance festivals.

so called "authority" will tolerate literally anything, but dancing and hugging people celebrating life and mind expansion - that has always been a major threat for subversion structures like ignorance-founded governments.

blessings ravy <3

Absolutely.! It's clear from the lengths they go to to divide us that our unity is their fear. Sadly most of us are too blind to see that the only way out of slavery is united non-compliance.
Your blessings have been received, doubled, polished to a bright shine and returned to you on a velvet cushion.

i'd offer a handful of my last shroomies and a hug right this second. floor is blasting and people are great

god i miss floortime now, thanks for reminding me

i'd offer a handful of my last shroomies and a hug right this second.

I'll send you my address!:)

Interesting events! That sounds so exciting! Haha, I can’t imagine you as a raver, @deirdyweidy.


You can't? Well you're gonna have to because I have zero proof to offer. Rest assured that I was the oldest raver in town!

Hahaha, ok then I believe you. 🤣🩷

weekends are much like any other day.

Same here. for me Hive is my work so I work 7 days a week. And I am happy about it.

But Mr. Footprints, what about partying? One must surely balance one's solemn and earnest side with a spot of light relief.

I don't party. I prefer to watch basketball games, read a book, watch anime or play a game.

So coool! I want to hear all those stories now! 💫🍄🚀

Maybe some day if I'm ever drunk enough...and I've never had a drink in my life!:)

most of those dates you mentioned, I wasn't even born yet. not trying to rub it in or anything ;x.

That's a bummer that you are a geriatric retiree. I hope you're able to find something to enjoy over the weekend to take you out of that any other day feeling!

To great weekends for you this year. Let's gooooo

Hahaha, I really wouldn't like to be young in this shit-show of a world. I've had a great time duckin' an' divin' before all the woke craziness, the tyranny and the internet.

hey it's not that bad haha. Every time period had their own problems! I'm just glad I was able to grow in peaceful times without war and stuff and I can't imagine living without internet :D like hey we wouldn't be here on hive without it right :)

I do love Hive but I'd go back to the world pre smart phones and internet in a heartbeat. Perhaps it's my rose-coloured spectacles, but I think we've become weak, lily-livered, and confused.

Hmmmm hard to say though. What about those that had families overseas. no way to video call and stuff if your family is far away? I don't know if I'd be a fan of going to war and stuff either. I think during those times they caned and hit children in Malaysia haha. I wouldn't be down for that :(. I guess it's difference since you have lived during that time. You also have to think the medical and stuff wouldn't be as good either!

Families overseas? Telephone!
War? There is perpetual war.
Caning children? I'm sure they deserve it:)
Medical stuff? There was certainly less cancer, dementia, heart disease, obesity and I never heard tell of Autism until about 20 years ago. May I rest my case?:)

but telephone is expensive no? and you can't see their face!

Ya there's still war now but it's like more voluntary. I think back then most people got drafted no?

Yes caning children haha. Not necessarily sometimes its small things. Nowadays I think it's easier if they just lose their phone or something digital as punishment!

well I think technology wasn't as advanced as well. maybe they didn't really know the causes of deaths or how it came to be and without any internet, the only way that information would get through to you would be through like word of mouth and books! with internet, people can get educated and know things beyond just trusting someone's word for it. I don't know :P

There's pros and cons. I won't say any time era is better than the other. I think it's just after the boomer time is like the spoild time xD. I'll admit i probably was spoiled and had it easier growing up than boomers and some other people.

I don't know, are we sure we live better now than before? I mean you had great experiences there to remember, afterall it was an adventure... Is it really better nowadays? When you go to concerts and might get stabbed or blown or hit by a car with psychic problems?

A car with psychic problems? I'm almost certain I've owned a few of those!:)
It certainly isn't better nowadays. Sure the world is going to hell in a hand -cart.

Yeah just referring when newspaper call everyone running on people with a car someone with 'psychic problems'... Next step they gonna call the car like thar

Of Xerox, huh?

Consider my gob well and truly smacked!!!

These debauchery ridden and antagonistic tales of mispent 'youth', make me think you should settle on a course of action to dust off the stickers and go on a 'memories tour' or at least plan on one more hurrah!

Even if it is just a gathering of like minded folks to protest the font used on the Tesco logo

It doesn't necessarily need to be a visit to John who lives near the church, but something!

Of Xerox... WOW!

I know. I know. I become ever more impressive the more you get to know me;)

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment

And so you shall remain!:)